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Family: The Mordecroft's

Parents: Baron Aston Scott Mordecroft(deceased), Baroness Helena Christine Mordecroft(deceased)

Children: Baron Ethan Ashe Mordecroft, Lady Phoebe Olivia Mordecroft, and (Pending...)

The Barony of Avallashire in Alinshir(Pending...)

The Barony of Avallashire has focused more of its resources on business. While maintaining nobility, working with merchants and forming business ties has been the very essence to the development of Avallashire.

After the death of the late Baron Mordecroft, his son Ethan has now taken siege of the operations. Managing not only his family, but the business with the Barony. He is older brother to (Pending..), and Phoebe Olivia Mordecroft, who will take over the operations should anything happen to him.

Merchants might have heard of the Mordecroft family as always seeking new business endeavors. Willing to invest, finance, and sometimes offer loans to Merchant businesses for percentage of the profits and the Mordecroft's offer aid in distribution of trade goods.

Ethan Ashe Mordecroft:

Phoebe Olivia Mordecroft:

Pending... Mordecroft:

