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(Happiness goes here)


The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is the most freeform game out right now. Grand Theft Auto III (which is also in its third rendition) is also quite freefrom, but is Smattered with content not, ahem, RIGHT for most law abiding gamers. So that's why it's Morrowind land and not Liberty City Land.

I think you get the picture.

Morrowind will suck out precious minutes of your life, but what do you care? You want to know the all important thing: Is this game worth my time, money, and life; and if so, why? The first answer is yes.

And secondly, you can do anything.

ANYTHING, you heard me. You start off as a prisoner born on a certain day to uncertain parents, and are shipped straight off to the Vvardenfell district of the Imperial Provence of Morrowind, home of the Dunmer.

Here we begin with reading the big map of the Tamreilic Empire above you.

See the BIG area in the Empire labeled Morrowind? You know, the one in the Northeast? See that huge island in the middle? You start off in the southwest corner of that. And you never leave the island. It's called Vvardenfell Island, and it's marked by a HUGE volcano called Red Mountain. It causes the Blight Storms, a weather phenomenon that spreads evil diseases.

The tutorial is smartly melded with the beginning of the game. A slave asks you for your name, and you go topside to the small village of Seyda Neen. A Redguard tells you to go to the dock, where another guard asks you for your race. Here you can choose from the races avalable: Argonian(a sentient lizard, basically), Breton(Mages), Imperial(the annoying Law-abiding silver-tounges), Altmer (High Elf), Bosmer (Wood Elf), Dunmer (Dark Elf), Khajiit(Cats), Redguard(The African-Americans of the Tamrelic empire, only not discriminated), and Orc(The discriminated peoples). Then, you go into the Census and Excise Offices, where another (well dressed) person asks you for your class and sign. Your class can be selected through being asked stupid questions that have nothing to do with anything, choosing from one of the pre-made classes (21 avalible), or making your own (5 x 30 x 5 x 30 x 2 x 8 x 3 = Quite a bit and then some 10,000 more). You can chooose from 12 or 13 (I forgot) signs (including the apprentice, the lady, the lord, and the snake.

Race- Best skill- Join the...- What to do-
Argonian Swimming House Redoran Swim a lot
Breton Casting spells

House Telvanni and Mages Guild

Cast a lot of spells
Imperial Talking their way out of stuff Any Imperial Guild Make profit and be rich
High Elf Alchemy and spells Mages guild Practice Alchemy skills
Wood Elf Marksmanship House Hlaalu and Morag Tong Get a bow. It's the best investment you'll EVER make.
Dark Elf Anything Best great house for you Anything, you are the most well rounded
Khajiit Being a thief Thieves guild and House Hlaalu Steal stuff
Redguard Using big swords House Redoran Fight things with big, pointy swords and BIG armor
Orc Wearing big, pretty armor Fighters Guild Fight things with sharp axes and even BIGGER armor.

Here's a list of all the factions:

  • House Hlaalu, the Stealth House
  • House Redoran, the Warrior House
  • House Telvanni, the Mages House
  • The Fighters Guild, Imperial guild
  • The Mages Guild, Imperial guild
  • The Cammona Tong, the Mafia of Vvardenfell
  • The Thieves Guild, The new kids on the block
  • The Morag Tong, the Honorable Assassins
  • The Ashlanders, The ones of the ashlands
  • The Blades, The Emperor's Spies
  • The Imperial Legions, The guards of the Empire

Unlike some OTHER RPGs (Hello, Mr. Diablo!), you can choose your own adventure. Want to be an amazing mage with a cool tower? Go ahead, sky's the limit. Want to be a member of the guard's ranks? go to the town of Gnisis (say Knee - sis) and see the captain of the Deathshead Legion, Darius. Or you can do the main quest, which fancies you as the Nerevarine, the reincarnation of a powerful Indorill called Lord Nerevar. Of course, instead of killing the big baddie, you COULD join him. Choices, choices...

To learn a whole bunch about Morrowind (and it's expansion, Tribunal), go visit that BIG and BLUE link that says "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind". It will take you to Bethesda Softworks, the home of Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, and the non - Tamriel - related Sea Dogs and Sea Dogs II.

This is a Silt Strider, a bug-like transport through Vvardenfell.

...and THIS cute thing is a total map of Morrowind. See Red Mountain?

2/19/2003: Bethesda recntly announced the second expansion pack to Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon. Featuring the return of Daggerfall's version of vampire characters: Werewolves!

Anyway, Morrowind land seves no REAL purpose except to send you to the ES3 Message board at our hosting site (ha, as if), Unbeilliv-a-site. Go now. C'mon: Go there now!

OR, if you really, really, really, REALLY want to, you can go to the New Unbeiliv-a-site, hosted by Angelfire.