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Developed by D Brown

Overview Introduction Task Procedure Worksheets Evaluation Conclusion


In this activity, you will simulate how to manage money in the real world. This WebQuest does involve doing some calculations, but it's main purpose is to allow you to have fun dreaming of the future while realizing what these dreams may cost.
Geared towards Middle School Mathematics Standards. New York City Performance Standards t12 a-d, and m6 f-g.
Students will use Mathematical skills and tools. Students will use basic calculations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Students should already have a working knowledge of charts and graphs.
Above All, students should remember to HAVE FUN!

Overview Introduction Task Procedure Worksheets Evaluation Conclusion


A budget may be defined as follows:

A sum of money allocated for a particular purpose; for instance, the computer lab has a budget of $10,000.

A summary of intended expenditures along with a plan for how to meet them; "the Principal submitted the annual budget to the Superintendent".

Overview Introduction Task Procedure Worksheets Evaluation Conclusion


Your task is to plan a life. You are going choose a career, find a place to live and develop a monthly budget that is realistic for the salary you earn. While planning your budget keep these points in mind:

Tranportation: Determine whether you will use public transportation or buy a car.Consider local public transportation rates and the cost of a monthly car note if you decide to buy a car.

Utilities: Investigate local utility companies for monthly prices. (phone, electric, gas and water).

Food: Plan simple menus for the month, then estimate the total cost.

Entertainment: Plan an entertainment schedule for the month. Then make adjustments if necessary.

Savings: After you have paid your necessary expenses, plan to save a certain amount each month.

Overview Introduction Task Procedure Worksheets Evaluation Conclusion


Use the following resources to complete the process

U.S. Dept. of Labor Salary Calculator Career Builder

Move.Com Apartment Guide Apartments.Com

AutoTrader Autos@MSN Cars@Yahoo

Verizon Time Warner Cable KeySpan

Overview |Introduction |Task |Procedure |Worksheets |Evaluation |Conclusion


Complete the following Worksheets

Entertainment Worksheet
Monthly Expense Worksheet
Budget Worksheet

Overview |Introduction |Task |Procedure |Worksheets |Evaluation |Conclusion


Please click here to review the criteria on which your individual grade will be based.

Overview |Introduction |Task |Procedure |Worksheets |Evaluation |Conclusion


Please answer the following questions as you summarize this activity.

How did you decide to budget your salary?
Where any categories more important than others?
If you did this project again, how would you spend your money differently and why?
What have you learned about living on your own?

Overview Introduction Task |Procedure |Worksheets |Evaluation |Conclusion