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What Pattern Are You?

What Flavor Ice Cream Are you?

What Flavor Ice Cream Are You?

Rumor has it your boyfriend was seen with your best friend. What do you do?
1.I wouldn't believe it. I'd go on with life.
2.Ask her what the heck is her problem.
3.Call her on the phone and scream at her.
4.Drive your car at 90 mph into your boyfriend's house.

The rumor isn't true. Now what?
1.I knew it! My best friend is WAY too nice.
2.Beg for forgiveness.
3.Go on as if nothing ever happened.
4.Drive your car at 90 mph into your best friend's house.

You are in charge of your little sister's birthday party? So?
1.I'll take her friends out for ice cream with my own money.
2.Take them out for ice cream with my mom's money.
3.Make them watch 'The Simpsons' while I invite a friend over.
4.Make them do 150 pushups on the front porch.

Do you like animals?
1.Of course!
2.They're okay. Except when they come close to me.

There's a substitute in class today. You-
1.Be the good little angel you always are
2.Call out in class.
3.Act like a monkey.
4.Party like there's no tomorrow!

This neocircle is perfect for people who love cartoon dollz, and have a dollsite of their own. Here you can find layouts, backgrounds, dollz, tutorials, and more!
This NeoCircle is owned by annepotter.
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