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My Thought of the Day



Hey guys. OK. here is where i am going to put my thought of the day if u have yet to guess that one. I do not come on here too much so i am sorry if it is like a week old. but hey, this is my webpage, deal. lol

Date: Sept 10, 2003

Summary:School, part of the drama meeting, macdonald's, home, sparknotes.

Thought: Theater class looks pretty cool, the plays will suck but at least it will be fun. I got to hang with marie today for 3 periods, how cool is that? I might go the church meeting thingy today, if i study for spansih and my summer readin tests tomorrow. lol. O yeah, i am like all excited about the stage manager thing. it is gonna be hard, i know, but still i am pysced.

Quote(s) of the day:

"He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind."
~Proverbs 11:29

Hi, okie dokie, this part is for the peopel who either made em feel really good today ad i want to thank them, or for the fucking peopel who piss me off and i can't tell htem directly. forwarning, this a my stress realiever and way to egt it out.