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SPEED and The Monkees: A Conspiracy Theory

You're probably asking yourself, "What does an all-girl Japanese pop group have to do with an all-male band from the sixties?"   Well, not a whole lot, but SPEED and The Monkees do have quite a bit in common.  Spooky things.  Similarities so similar that one can't help but deem it all a conspiracy.

peace!                                             peace!

Whether you're a fan of SPEED, The Monkees, both or neither, you have the right to know that these two drastically different pop groups are much too similar for me to be comfortable.  My only insight to a possible conspiracy is this: pop music history repeats itself in the most subtle ways. I don't know who is behind this conspiracy or why, all I know is it creeps me out.  
These creepy likenesses transcend distance, language, time, gender, and my own sanity.  

So pull up a chair, sit back, and indulge in my madness.

group pic!

What is SPEED?

SPEED is an all-girl Japanese pop group from Okinawa.  Their reign in the world of J-Pop lasted from 1996 until their breakup in March of 2000.  All four members are maintaining solo careers right now, but J-Pop hasn't been the same since their departure as a unit.

Who are SPEED?

Hiroko Shimabukuro
Eriko Imai
Takako Uehara
Hitoe Arakaki

SPEED's music was not anything spectacular, but it was very catchy pop music.  Most critics wrote them off as a teen fad without much talent or staying power.  Actually, the singing was top notch considering SPEED formed when the girls were ages eleven through fourteen.  Part of their popularity was their dancing abilities as well.  They are definitely one of my favorite all-time groups.

my boos

Who are the...wait a minute, are those The Monkees??!

The Monkees were a popular group/band from the 1960's.  They are notoriously known as the first boy band.  What is notable about them was their television show The Monkees, which was the first show to combine situation comedy with the music industry.  The show lasted for only two seasons, but remains legendary.  The band still goes on tour now, but I can't think of any good reason why anyone should go see them.

Who are The Monkees?

Davy Jones
Micky Dolenz
Peter Tork
Mike Nesmith

Even though they scored a number of chart topping singles, The Monkees will always be ridiculed for not playing their own instruments.  People conveniently forget that on most of their albums they did.  Nonetheless, everything in pop eventually falls from grace, and only the bad things are remembered.  The Monkees are definitely my favorite vice. They're the closest thing to a drug addiction I will ever have.  I love the boys, but that doesn't stop me from making endless fun of them.

That's fine and good, but so what?

Sure, SPEED and The Monkees are both pop quartets that never got much respect from musical elitists.  And sure, they're both cute teen idol groups.  So what?  They have nothing to do with each other!  Right?

Wrong!  The Monkees and SPEED are so alike that I had to go and make a page about it.  Because these groups are so different from each other, I find their similarities unsettling.  However, if you know about one group and not the other, you get to learn something new today!  Hoorah!  Enjoy, and please realize, this is all speculation....or is it?

                                                                                            they *do* look like that                                                                                           

The Conspiracy:

monkees in black SPEED in black


that's almost lifelike
The above picture was taken from here.

This web site is dedicated to the three or four people in the world that are both SPEED and Monkees fans.  It's also dedicated to any fans of either who have nothing better to do.  An ice cream sundae will be awarded by yours truly to anyone who is an avid fan of both groups....uh, if I have the money, that is.  No promises.

This site is a twisted creation of Shari L. Clarke.  All SPEED video caps and opinions are mine.