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Shout Outz

Christina~ You're my best friend!!

Flo~ AHH!! ITS THE BLOB!! You're the person who I joke around with the most! You AYOT!

Katherine~ Guess what! KATHY!!!! It IS TOO!

Jamie~ I've known you the longest. You're a really good friend of mine and total clutz!!

Nicole~ You're one of my best friends too!

Sammy~ Ya know what! You're a really good friend of mine too!

Sarah~ I've know you for sooo long and you're a great listener!

Kaitlin~ Hey! I can juggle more! *smiles evily*

Austin~ You'll never beat me in a race!! Never! Nope! Nuh uh! Not ever!

Justine~ You're my cousin and I have soo much fun when you visit!

Jaclyn~ We've played soccer together since we were five!!

Wendy (Not my sister)~ You don't match. GREEN SHORTS!

Megan~ I wanna run by the boys soccer team. CW.

Katie~ I'm not violent... I'm just aggresive!

Julie~ The only thing I remember is BOOM!

Nicole & Nicole~ Howdy Y'all! You worthless turds!

JenN~ I remembered the second N!!! lol


Julia~ You bought a duck! Frederick!

Laura~ I WILL racewalk!

Melanie~ We're Sprinters!