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My JoUrNaL

Kayla McCulley's R.C. Journal - Kayleen Thomas - Kayla McCulley

~*~ Thursday, September 12, 2002 ~*~

Early this morning, Kayleen and I were walking by a stream in search for the Running Carrots. While we were stopped by the creek, resting on some rocks, Kayleen said “Listen! Do you hear that?” I was quiet. Sure enough I could hear a long, high-pitched screeching sound. Then there was another call that sounded like a high-pitched tongue roll. And then another one that was a low screech. We ran to the stream, which is where the source of the sound was coming from. Kayleen looked up the creek and gasped in amazement! She pointed and shouted at me to look. There was a group of five running carrots floating aimlessly down the creek all making noises and doing their own calls. There was a very large one, the size of an average forearm, a medium one, the size of a pen, and three small ones, the size of an average pen cap. As soon as the medium carrot and the large carrot “saw” us they screeched and scampered away. ~*~ Today they are identified as the Mother and Father Running Carrots. To this day there have been very few sightings of the Mother Running Carrot and no sightings whatsoever of the Father Running Carrot.

~*~ Monday, October 7, 2002 (a special entry by Kayleen Thomas) ~*~

School starts. Yet another tradgedy! but oh, we were so unsuspecting. It all started during science class... "Wheeee!" a tiny voice was heard, screeching into the air. No one seemed to heart it... no one that is, except for my partner Kayla McCulley, and myself. We perked our ears and turned in the direction of the noise. "By golly!" I shouted clasping my hand over my mouth. A running carrot - Angela - was slowly floating toward the carpet, just behind her on the overhead lights, Billy-Jean scurried along the light and launched himself toward the carpet, slowly floating downward. "Gee whillickers! Looks like their inner gases have collected," murmured Kayla. No doubt about it, these were Running Carrots. Though no taller than the size of a childs pinky, these fascinating creatures had the ability to run faster than a speeding bullet. -CRASH!- our desks fell over as a prankster carrot - Esmerelda - crashed into it. A small eruption of squeaks filled the air as the she got up and ran away. (we identified her as a girl because her pink shoes gave it away) "Calm down," Mr. Downs said. Ignoring him, we continued to search the area for other loose carrots, or maybe even a speed runner!

~*~ Friday, January 25, 2003 ~*~

Today was just another ordinary day. In science class with Mr. Tom Downs, the running carrots played their usual pranks. It seems as though they have picked the right teacher to mess with (as everyone knows its fun to prank Mr. Downs because he's totally clueless) Anyhoo, as you all may well know, lunch always comes after science class on fridays. So, as Kayleen and I were walking down the hall toward Mrs. Schlehubers room, we heard high pitched squeaky noises. Sure enough it was Angela and Billy. Angela landed on Kayleen's shoulder and whispered "Hey I bet you anything that 7th grade girl is going to piss her pants when you tell her I am a running carrot." So Kayleen and I walked up to a group of 7th grade girls and told them a little bit about R.C.s and about Angela. Then we poured out some A&W Cream Soda on the floor along with Girl Scout Tag-a-Longs crumbs and watched in amazement as the two R.C.s feasted. Sure enough one of the girls collapsed on the floor and started to pee. "Gee wiz golly wolly!" I shouted. "I sure didn't mean to cause you all this hanky panky!" The four of us (Kayleen, Angela, Billy and I) tried hard not to laugh. Yes it is a strange effect that Running Carrots have on people, so just be careful when you are around them, because you may never know they are there. It's so strange it's not even a laughable situation.

NOTE: After this event on Friday afternoon, my partner and I decided to do some more research on the manipulative minds of Running Carrots. What we discovered was that there is a small portion in the brain that has mind and body control over other people. When you are concentrating on running carrots a running carrot can easily manipulate your mind and body into doing something you wouldn't normally do. So basically they are phsycic and telekinetic. Once again BE CAREFUL.

~*~ February - April ~*~ Am angered Running Carrot was upset that we were writing about them and ate all of our journal entries for those three months. I deeply appologize.

~*~ Wednesday, May 28, 2003 ~*~

Happy 11th birthday to my little sister Cassy!!! Or was it? Yes that's right. A tragic ending to this joyous day for my little sister. Kayleen and I were seated on the back porch by the swimming pool. Everything seemed to be going fine, the sun was shining the kids were playing, my sister and family were happy, we were happy, dancing, singing..oh woops sorry. Anyway everything seemed to be going fine, until Kayleen and I realized that we had forgotten we'd invited some Running Carrots to join in on the fun. Just moments later, the doorbell rang. "Gee whillickers! It's them!" Kayleen shouted. We ran to the door, but it was too late, my mother had answered it. The R.C.s had already had soda and cookies before they came so they were hyper and decided to play a prank on my mom. The lamps were falling, the pictures were upside down, the piano was playing horrible tunes, cushions were ripped, food was scattered, hair was pulled, clothes were wet...oh yeah sorry I think you get the picture. Finally, Kayleen found the pool net which was of use. We gathered all the R.C.s inside of it, which only we could do since nobody else could see them. They just caused too much hanky panky for everyone and made my little sister's birthday a disaster. But what do I care! That's what I'm here for! Woops just kidding. ummmmm yeah well anyhoo the carrots were punished by being served orange juice instead of carbonated sodas and learned their lesson. They later brought a cake over to make up for their mischeivious behavior and expunged the need to play pranks on my family members from their brains. Good thing they like Kayleen and I, otherwise we wouldn't have lived to tell the tale. Farewell for now. More Journal Entrees to come...

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