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A Day In The Life of Jen

This is a day in the life of a Jen. She has many exciting adventures! We begin our tale where most people begin their day: in bed...

(Yes, the bed looks like this all day. I'm afraid the top bunk of a bed never gets made.)

Winnie-The-Pooh may look innocent, but believe me, he is evil incarnate. What sort of a creature would live only to annoy people?
He wakes Jen up, and she does the thing she always does: pick him up and throw him against the wall.

The sunshine hasn't even woken up yet! How depressing.

Jen stumbles into the kitchen and greets her friend, Honey Bear. She and Honey Bear share a breakfast of tea and toast. Mmmm...

Oh dear! The temperature has dropped to 9 degrees, and Jen's car is covered with ice and snow! What can she do??
She turns on the defrost, whips out the ice scraper, and attacks the windshield. (She's rather in a hurry.)

It's working!!

Jen turns around her car, and begins her trip by going down the driveway. (See the trees? That's the end of the driveway.)

Uh-oh. The road into Imlay doesn't look so hot... Let's hope the freeway is better salted...

Wow! Look at that car go!

Hmm... The freeway doesn't look fun either.

That's pretty much the view all the way to school.

Jen has to battle big scary trucks on the way to school. They are evil too. I think they are in cahoots with Winnie-The-Pooh.

Oh dear. There has been an accident. 3 cars and a moving truck. What a day to be on the road, eh?

Turn right at the huge ad for the Teamsters, turn left at the next light, turn right at the third light after that, and you reach Jen's school.

What happens next?