< //~~~ (>.>) |WingDestiny && OneLastHope| (<.<) ~~~\\
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UPDATE: updated the page again ^^ i was really bored and made new layout xD with the help of photoshop ^^ uh...enjoy xD tell me if you want to put any extra stuff...e-mail me at dj.abalos@gmail.com...i'll be glad to hear some suggestions on what to put on the page as of right now it still has a home page, character page and a guestbook :) well...if you need something extra tell me xD oh yeah...i would like to know what music you guys listen to xD as you can see the Fray is the only one playing >.<" but i will change every now and then =)

Page Information.
Music; The Fray - All at Once
Version; 2 - Takes Flight
Creator; quackerzz :) aka xladylacus
Updated on; January 27th 2007 :)