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Every One Is FUCKED!

You Want Dark?!

This Is A Big FUCK OFF!

Never Ending Night

Darkness encircles and creeps upon everything.
Life is an endless night of sorrow.
Never shall a shred of light shatter the silence,
or a wisper disturb the light.
Night has come and all will parish into the mist.

This is how I should be in this mood


As quick as the mist rolls in, my fears roll out.
All the pain and tears are drawn away with the coming of night.
I am one with the Dark, with the Mist.
It fells my soul and sooths my emotions.
Never shall I fall before the. NEVER!

This is what I should be drinking in this mood


Darkness encircles my heart as pain becomes nothing.
Life as I know it seems to slow to a slither.
The mist talks to me and tells me the fears of the world,
the pain, and the darkness.
This world is shattered and there is only pain.


Black Rose

Just as the beauty of a black rose caresses my sight, it is drawn away.
The blood of many upon its thorns shows me a different light, a calmer light.
The death of the soul can only lead to one thing, eternal darkness.
With open arms I welcome the meek, cold Mist.
It surronds my very presence but still I can see my Black Rose.

Doesn't this fit?

Black Rose

As for the very essence of life is drawn from others, I hold onto death.
Never will the light touch these eyes.
Pain with all essence is life.
To bleed is to laugh, and dying will not stop the intentions of my heart.
For if the mist surronds my soul I shall find peace in death.
Weakness overpowers the soul and pulls even the brightest hope into the abyss.

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