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And I shall fly with chained wings

Last Updated: July 08, 2006

"Dont ever tell me what I can and cannot do. Every day someone says, 'follow me, I will lead you right' or 'I will not hurt you', well I will hurt on my own. I will love whom I choose. I will not die just to please you. I dont care if you dont like it. Let me ache on my own. I will weep over what I choose."

"Don't judge what you can't understand. I am what I am. Forever and always."

About me:
I am a hopeless romantic
I am an FMA addict
Taken, and I LOVE IT!!!
People piss me off, but I love them.
If it were socially acceptable to not wear pants, I totally wouldn't
I love to play guitar and piano.
I want to be have been kissed in the pouring rain, ( and it was GREAT! )
I am random, and I love it.
If your sad, i'll try to make you happy. If i'm sad, I want a hug.
My name is Lauren. If you didn't already know that, get the fuck off my website. Mean but true.
Does anyone else think it funny that Cialis is the only major sponsor for the US open? Okay just me? just checking.

If you have found this page, you should already know who I am. I am crazy and I love it. I love to read. I am always on the Computer, and I know HTML . I Looooove plants.


The rules (very incomplete. check back later.)
Links outside of Angelfire

Random quote of today :

I dont fucking KNOW any quotes! let alone random!!! ~Alex

People Who make Boredom Better::
Justine Josh Alex Megan Fefer Breland Echo Sarah Aja Noelle Daniel April Casey Ryan Peterson ... if i forgot you, it wasn't on purpose, I can't think right now, i'll add ya eventually.