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Pain Theme:

Witness to a Crime

He vowed never to tell,
For they told him he'd go to hell.
He saw some thing that he shouldn't have saw,
Now if he speaks, he'll be in with the law.
He knew the difference between right and wrong,
He knew they'd find him before to long.
He watched the bodies fall to the ground,
As he silently watched, never making a sound.
He was a witness to a horrible crime,
From the projects, only owning a dime.
Fear and pain present on his face,
He walked away, in a very fast pace.
He ran upstairs and into his room,
There he cried for his life was doomed.
He knew that if told, it would be the end,
Dying a lonely death, without his only friend.
They threatened to hurt him, - threatened to kill,
He knew from experience that they had will.
Their power kept him quiet for a while,
And that poor kid never did smile.
They now control his life forever more,
He suffers pain and confusion straight to the core.

Let it Go

Maybe it would be easier if you just part,
That way you aren't breaking my heart!
It would be hard in the beginning, easy in the end,
That way I'd know I wasn't befriending a friend!
It hurts so much to see you's this way,
If only you would live on and forget for another day.
You all are being selfish and cruel. . .
And you are forgetting the most important rule.
. . . "To have and to hold, to honour and obey". . .
To keep on loving, each and every day!
Honestly, I don't think I can take this anymore,
My mind is a mess, my heart broken, my sole is sore.
I will love you's in my heart for all of our lives,
But your arguing and cruel words are like 12 stabbing knives!

Mother, Passing On

The snow is steadily falling to the ground,
As a lost soul wonders around.
Trying to figure out who they are,
They run and hide, pushing others afar.
Not sure what is happening or why.
They sit on a clump of snow and cry.
For today, its been a year with out mother,
She's not in your life, there is no other.
Her leaving you, saddens you to the bone,
If only you could read the words on her head stone.
Ever since her leaving, you've been confused,
No matter what you try to do, you feel used.
She was a mentor, protector and provider,
She kept you from being hurt, you weren't an outsider.
Memories of her flood into your mind,
If only there was a part of yourself, you could find.
I guess it is time to forgive and move on,
For when you started thinking, it was early dawn.
Now it is late in to the after noon,
Wish you could forget it all very soon,
A bouquet of flowers lay on the grave,
That you, your friends and family gave!

That's all of the pain poems, check out the others!