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Drug Theme:

An Hour of Fun, A Life Time of Pain

You never did it before, you always wanted to try,
You planned and waited for the day to get high.
At first it was fun, exciting and relaxing,
Now it is your life: Boring and distracting.
You made a promise to yourself to stop,
Last thing you needed was a run in with a cop.
Every day, you said, "It's the last time!"
Besides it's not like you wanted to commit a crime!
Day after day, week after week,
You tried to stop but could help but freak.
Withdrawal was hard, and the craving was stronger,
You decided to stay hooked just a little longer.
It's been several months, maybe a year
People try to help, but think they're trying to interfere.
You haven't been clean, for as long as you can remember,
Was that last August or late December?
Your heart starts to beat really fast, your body shakes
Maybe a little more, will help for God's sake.
Your vision is a blur, your mind is a mess,
If only you knew your dealer's address.
You need a bit more, you're about to explode,
The feeling you get is like an undetected code.
You got lost in the drug's power,
Just trying to have fun for an hour!
Then not to soon, but before too long,
You will have experienced it. You're completely gone!
Your heart starts to race, you body spazzes,
You hit the floor, you shatter your glasses.
You can feel it now, this is the end,
If only you weren't so alone and had a friend!
Drugs are cool, can't you see?
That was what I thought before they killed me!
Do your personal best to fight its temptation,
Then you won't be the ‘star' for the special occasion!

On the Street

What would you do if you were all alone,
No hydro, water or telephone!
With very little for yourself to eat,
And absolutely nothing but what was on the street.
You have no family and no friends,
I guess this is how the story ends.
You are truly all alone, with nothing to do,
If only there was someone who,
Cared enough to give you a place to call home.
Anything was better than a cardboard dome.
You'll try harder to succeed,
And promise to use no more weed,
You finally have your head on straight,
And decided to change your dreadful fate.

Is it really worth it?

You told me not to do it, now I forget why. . .
Was it because of the chance that I could die?
I listened to every other word that you said,
Especially the part about how your friends are dead.
Something destroyed their lives, now its doing the same to mine,
If only I hadn't risked it and put my life on the line.
The pain is unbearable, more of an ache,
If only there were more of something, that I could take.
My breathing is getting shorter, my heart begins to race,
I feel it now, I'm looking death in the face!
I know it was a horrible, unexcused crime,
But I only took a little more, for it was the last time.
My body started to tremble and really shake,
At first I thought the feeling was fake.
The room was spinning,- in constant motion. . .
I guess that was its intended notion.
I grabbed at the wall to make it stop,
But before I knew it, there was a cop.
He threw me against the wall,
As I stumbled and tried not to fall.
He cuffed me and read me my rights,
And all I remember were the flashing lights.
Made it to prison, and lead to my cell,
This is the story I wish to tell. . .
Of my troubles and struggles in life,
I so badly wished for a new life!
There in jail, I spend many years,
Getting more scared, creating more fears.
Finally got out, hoped to stay clean,
For I was no longer a crazy teen.
The first mistake was knowing the dealer,
Known him from before, ‘cause he was a healer,
Helped to get rid of suffering and pain,
Also made some people half sane.
I guess you know what comes after this,
I was hooked again, with a kiss!

That's all of the drug poems, check out the others!