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Depression/Suicide Theme:

Up Above

Every time I think about you I cry. . .
How could you do this? - Why?
Her life was hard, harder than most,
But with all those pills, she over dosed.
It stopped the suffering and pain,
Now I see her every tine it rains.
She would have loved to be here,
Having fun with her friends so near.
But instead, she looks down from above,
Grateful, to all, for she was so loved!


Alone in a world of wonder,
Not knowing what to do,
You stop to think who,
Who you can tell,
Then you realize no one,
But yourself is in the world!
So you walk around confused,
You are alone in a world of wonder!

Bye. . .!

I'm like a broken fuse,
That has to abuse!
I want to be free. . .
I can feel it deep down inside of me.
It's to strong, to bold,
I got a chill, now I'm cold.
My blood is frozen,
My brain is closin',
I can see my breath,
It's come; finally Death
An escape for me,
I'm finally pain free,
Sorry to those I harmed. . .
But I swear that I wasn't armed!
It's all over; the end,
I've reached it my friend,
Later dayz- keep smilin' . . .
Hand on the phone, still dialin' . . .
Stop for once and think,
What was being said with ink,
It's all over- she's gone,
To a better place, far beyond!

Daddy's Love

Daddy said I was spoiled rotten,
Now I think that I'm completely forgotten.
Those words hurt deep inside,
And I think apart of me actually died.
When I hear those words in my head,
I sometimes wish that I were dead!
He looks at me with dismay,
Hoping that I'll just go away.
He knows that he scares me,
That's his plan, that's the key.
He wants to make sure I don't get near,
That way he can't hear
What I have to say
Even if it is " I love you, anyway"

Just Friends

It was the day I cried,
When my best friend died.
She was so smart and young,
They found her in her room, she had been hung.
There around her neck what a tight rope,
At last, for her, there was no hope.
She tried everything- nothing worked,
She cried and from the corners she lurked.
If only there was a permanent fix!
Now she lay rested, with in the mix.
Her life was short, with no fun,
If only that boy hadn't stolen her sun.
She was in love and it couldn't stop,
He knew the truth, but didn't want their friendship to flop.
It's been two years since her death,
Now that boy is struggling with every last breath.
The guilt over took him, he can't forgive,
If only she were the one who lived.
Friends were more important than a steady gal,
Now both of them are without their pal!
Here I am in the middle of this event,
Recalling what this all must have meant.
She loved him and he'd never say. . .
That this girl too, made his day!
Alone on the street his boy cries,
Praying that he'll be next to die!

Help Me . . . !

I need help can't you all see,
This is not the way my life should be.
I should be high on life,
Not, wishing that I had a knife!
Those words stab and pierce my soul,
The things you said, the things you stole!
I cry all alone in the dark,
Scratching my skin; mark by mark,
The redness makes the pain go away,
Then I'll be fine until another day.
I have hole in my soul, that know one can fix,
They'd need more than needle or thread, nails or sticks.
I'm well worn out, there's nothing left,
My body is empty- there must have been a theft!
Time ticks by as I cry alone,
With every tear drop, my heart turns to stone!

When It Rains...

As I stand in the rain,
People think I'm insane.
I love when it rains,
It heals all the pains.
It feels so good.
But if only I could...
Stay there longer,
And help me to grow stronger!
It is so peaceful and refreshing!

So Alone

I feel alone
So out of this world
So distant from mankind
So alone, no one to tell, no one to talk to
So sad and down on life
So upset about how I feel
I want to scream
I feel so unlike me
So different in every way
Not knowing why or what
Not knowing when or how
I'll even make it through
A day in the life of me
So alone, so different
So unlike me, so unusual
So weird, so confused
Alone by myself
Me, myself and I
Just me, me, me


I've never said that I'm sorry,
And yet there is always a story.
I didn't mean to hurt you,
‘Cause really, I'm hurting too.
It all happened without thought,
But the pain I feel is not forgot.
So once and for all,
I'm pushed against a great wall,
To bear the pain inside,
And to let you know that I cried!
I'm sorry for all the pain
But its what keeps me from going insane.

That's all of the depression poems, check out the others!