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Being YourSelf Theme:

Be Me

If only you knew what it was like to be me,
Sitting on the sidelines, watching things be.
Observing the expressions on peoples faces,
Recognizing the foot steps, fast and slow paces.
Knowing you're different from all the rest,
You compete for confidence, to be the very best!
If you get it, keep it, you win.
You're apart of the crowd, finally your in.
You're a cool kid, one of the gang.
Hangin', chilin' and learning all the slang.
You start to feel wanted, actually loved,
But before too long, you are being shoved!
Out into the cold and back to were you were,
Apparently you weren't right and they weren't sure.
They said you and problems and you need help. . .
But if only they new exactly how you felt.

Be Yourself

Be who you want to be,
But don't try to be me!
So, you're a athlete, a scholar,
A punk who wears a dog collar.
You're a Goth, dressed all in black,
With bright, insightful qualities to lack.
You're a musician, a punk rocker,
With pictures and bio's of bands in you locker.
You're a loser, a loner waiting for the time of day,
People look at you as if you are bi, lesbian, or gay.
You're a champion weight lifter,
A lost soul, a sound drifter.
You're a beauty queen, a pretty face. . .
But some times this isn't always the case.
You're artistic, inspiring and creative,
You could be black, white, Asian, or native.
You're a drug user, a partner in crime,
Making life HELL, just to earn a dime.
You're a protector, a care giver, a provider,
You make the line, you are a divider.
You could be young, old, married or single,
In our won ways, we all like to mingle.
You're a leader, a socializer, an organizer,
The one always in charge, and a great advisor.
You're depressed, lonely and not all that shy,
But some times life has you down, you wish you could die!
You're a comedian, an actor,
A farmer, who drives a loud tractor.
People make you out to be who they want you to be,
But what is so wrong with saying, "I want to be ME!"


Sometimes you're not sure if you're straight or gay,
But sooner or later, you'll find your way.
You are a person of passion and care
And you know for sure, life isn't always fair.
You socialize and develop a crush,
This love feeling is a steady rush.
People keep saying that its not right,
But you know that you'll have to fight.
Fight for your rights and freedom,
Join a group, an organization and lead them.
Find someone who assures you that your life style is okay.
Find someone who understands your confusion about being gay.
In a week, month or year,
You'll discover your own biggest fear. . .
You'll have to tell mom and dad,
And they'll go through the lecture of you being bad.
But if only they knew just how you feel,
You wouldn't have to sit through another quiet meal.
You came out and told them, and you've heard it all,
You will leave home, take pride, stand tall,
Vow to help others in the same awkward place,
With nothing but confidence about your face.
It's not easy being who you are,
People run and hide from a far,
Be nothing else, other that what's inside,
Prove to them that you don't have anything to hide.

That's all of the self enpowerment poems, check out the others!