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My FriEnD'z PiC's

My CuZiNnS PiC's

ThInG's I LoVe

My MuSiC

QuOtEs & PoEmS

MsN DiSpLaY PiC's

PaGe 1
PaGe 2
PaGe 3
PaGe 4
PaGe 5

SiGn My GuEsTBooK


If I could give you one gift in the world it would be the ability for you to see yourself for
who you really are.

A memory last forever never does it die true friends stay together and never say good-bye.

I know you think you broke my heart, but i knew your game from the start.. i saw your game and played it too.. stupid playa.. the jokes on you.

Somedays are hard because i think of all the little stuff But, I know I'll get through this, youve made me strong enough.

If you have somthing to say, raise your hand and place it over your mouth.