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Mrs. Carey's Cadillac

The Park Avenue Deville is a very rare car--only 1575 were built in 1963. This may very well be the lowest mileage one in existence.

1963 Cadillac Park Avenue DeVille

Many people don't realize that Cadillac used the Park Avenue name in 1962 and 1963.

This beautiful car was originally purchased by Mrs. Elizabeth Carey, who lived in a well-to-do part of the Wichita, Kansas, area.  Mrs. Carey was a patroness of the arts and benefactress, who bought the car new on June 25th, 1963 from Bulger Cadillac.

I had the pleasure of meeting the original salesman, Mr. Harold Keely, at a Cadillac Club Show at Wichita's beautiful Exploration Place in the spring of 2002.  Mrs. Carey sold the car back to Bulger Cadillac in 1974, and she died in 1980.

Mr. Joe Bulger kept the car in his personal collection until early 2001, when I was lucky enough to purchase it from him. Mr. Bulger sold his Cadillac dealership and retired in early 2002.

It has 7900 actual miles and is still on the original tires.  It drives like a dream!

I hope you enjoy visiting this site, which explores the history of this car and its original owner, the time period it represents, and the Faith that that drives my life.

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Step Inside Faith and Fins Standard of the World Fall Cruise Fin Fotos Caddy Ads Caddy Colors Revisit 1963 Finless Fins in Wichita Bahá'í Faith


The one true God, exalted be He, loveth to witness handiworks of high craftsmanship produced by His loved ones.

--From the Writings of the Bahá'í Faith

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