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ashley's journal

hey, welcome to my journal... if you wanna comment, feel free to email me if you don't like what i write, bite me. because this is my space, and my mind, and i'm not going to pussyfoot around other people's feelings here. this is my honesty. hopefully it will be my COMPLETE honesty. or at least my twisted version of it. (definitely mostly twisted. because, as some people say, i don't live in reality) but you never know. don't check this shit out if you don't want to know what's in my mind.

wow... journal entries...

March 15, 2003-into
March 15, 2003-depression
March 16, 2003-evanescence
March 16, 2003-lost friendship
March 17, 2003-finding me
March 18, 2003-sorry, depressed again.
March 18, 2003-reason for depression? or maybe i'm just delusional.
March 19, 2003-i did a very scary thing.
March 20, 2003-reality
*FuCk* <-- no, it doesn't really exist, just full of self-hatred and confusion and bad choices today.
March 22, 2003-i don't care anymore
March 26, 2003-nothing important
May 10, 2003-bah. life is pointless...
May 20, 2003-new stained glass pattern?
