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The Ho
Megan. Meg. Megs. 16. Female. England. Eldest of 4. Party Animal. Spontaneous. Sarcastic. Fun. Moody. PMS. Stressed. Complex. Deep. Short Tempered. Hyperactive. Giddy. Friendly. LAZY. Confusing. Stubborn. Procrastinator. Impatient. Optimistic. Heartbroken. Pisces. PS2. Chocolate. Pizza. Chips. TV. Friends. Computer. Movies. Males. Music. Simpsons.

The Club
This is my 'lil place on the net to blog, blag and bitch! The blog is like an online diary, but not all of my comments should be taken too seriously... I have a tendancy to feel stuff really strongly at the time but then when I look back at it I think 'damn, I'm an ass!'. There's stuff 'bout me, stuff for you, tutorials and misc. stuff - stuff I like and want to share! :o) [It's still pretty new though so not everything will work!]

The Bar
My site is hosted freely on Angelfire (yes, it sucks, but it's free and simple to use...) I'd like to get hosted 'cos then I could use better quality images than .gif. I have the fast url  hosted by the wonderful Bravenet. That's also a freebie thing, it looks nicer than the crap you get from angelfire. Crimson Regret is lyrics from an Evanescence song, and I just liked it! Thus, my site is called Crimson Regret!

The Look
I love this layout! I know it's pink again but it's my favourite colour and I tried a re colour in a few different colours but this one looked best. Anyways, this is layout number two and features and image I got from the Vodka Kick website, and played around with it. I wanted a club type layout and went on the website and found it had a flash layout! I blended the bottom bit then cut a bit from the bottom to get the background. I had two backgrounds, this one and one where it was all smooth, but I liked this one better. I like the lil headers [like 'The Crew - much <3 to lolly for thinkin that one up!]

The Floor
Show me some love, link me if you like! <3

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Wanna exchange buttons? Just e-mail me and I'll add yours!

The Crew
Other Beautiful Sites
Patchwork Quilt

The Hours
Here since: 30th June 2003
Total Visits:

The Rules
All Content and Graphics © of Megan!


*Megan*     *You*      *WWW*     *My Misc Stuff*     *Comment*    

Wednesday 6th August 2003

Aw what a lovely day it was today! Except I've spent most of it being pissed off! My sister, mum brothers and mums friend were going to the seaside for the day so Lauren (Sister) had set the alarm for 8.30am. When she got up I reset it for 9.30am for myself. When I woke up I thought 'wow I seem to have been asleep longer than an hour...' I look at the clock and it's 10.30am and that idiot sister has turned off the alarm! I was so pissed; I'd planned on getting up having breakfast, having a bath, setting up the paddling pool, tidying up downstairs, having dinner and having plenty of time to do it in before going to work at 12.30. Pfft well forget that! I had to rush around getting ready instead.
Work - OMFG it was hot in that shop! Argh I nearly ran outta there when I'd finished!
When I got home I changed ready to sunbathe then started to set up the pool, except the heat had got to it and melted the plastic, breaking the middle ring! Since the bottom ring was already broke it's now a 1 ring pool - path-etic! So that's laurens fault too! Ass! Ahh well I guess it'll do for this year, if I'vegot the money I might bug one of those big metal pools, they're like £300 so I'll be taking it with me when I leave home! XP

Anyways, after work Rachel came round and we just chilled; listened to music, watched TV, sunbathed. We were chatting for hours about when we were younger and stuff lol, she remembers loads from when we were little!

Right I'm gonna talk bout my new room now! I was gonna put some pic's of my carpet and my desk and that but my digital camera is taking crappy pictures so I'll have to describe them for now then hope my camera takes better pics in daylight!
First of all, why am I getting a new room? Well we have a 3 bed room house which means I share with my sister and my brothers share. We were having a new carpet fitted in the living room and computer room, when the computer room was empty I was talking to my mum:

'look what I could do with this room-I could have my bed there and TV there!'
Megan, the only way you're having that room is if you buy me a new table...'
'OK then I will, how much is the one you said you wanted?'
'About £150'
'OK then!' 

So yeah, I'm gonna be broke for a while but I got a room for £150! Also, there's all the furniture I need, like Desk and that, so any new furniture I want I gotta buy myself. I don't mind though It's kinda fun having a point for earning money rather than buying clothes and alcohol!
My new carpet is pink with lil light pink speckles and lil flowers - souns gross and sissy but it's nice! My wall are cream and there's a dado (spelling?) rail at the top thats silver. I'm painting above that in pink theb I've got a green/blue/silver boarder. /I've bought my new curtains and bedspread which are cream with buttons on the top and they look real posh! :P hehe!
My favourite thing I have for my new room is my new desk! It's got a silver frame and the desk is glass! It's a corner desk, like two desks together and I love it love it love it!!!
We're starting decorating tomorrow and I'm moving in in about a week and a half ish! It'll be kinda wierd being downstairs on my own... but the door is close... ;o) hehehe!
I'll add pictures of my new crap when the camera works better!

Megan talked and talked... at 10.15pm

Tuesday 5th August 2003

Hello I'm back, but I've decided this is going to be more of a personal/blog site, as often I'm a 'lil too busy and also, I'm very lazy! I'll still add stuff for visitors but only when I have time!

Anyways, new layout - I love it! The Orlando one didn't really work, I made the image but was then uninspired, but I decided a club type layout! (See the look area for more info about this layout!)

Sian got back yesterday so we spent an hour chattin' - aww i've missed her! <3! She brough me some leg warmers and earings back from her holiday to Ireland:

Then today she bought me a bag and a card:
Bless her! Much <3 Sian! She came over today, we'd planned on sunbathing, but typical English weather - it was hot but cloudy so not much sun rays! We went in paddlin pool with Tyler (2 year old brother!) but it got a lil cold so I filled up the lil pool with hot water and bubble bath and we had a lil jacuzzi instead! LMAO!
When my sister got home from Cinema we played game of life whic was a laugh!

Other than that nothing much has happened, I'm gettin' a new room but since it's late I'll blog details about that tomorrow!

Also, I'm gonna have a 'lil rant now... Don't you just hate how there's areas of your life like family, friends, love, carea and social? Well it just pisses me off how infrequent it is that they're all perfect at the same time! Family is OK I guess (I have a psycho mum, demanding dad, dippy sister and a brother who's potty training - nuff saud!) but it's OK. Then friends, I know who my real friends are and I'm happy with that! Love - don't even ask; this is the area that's pissin me off! You just start to get over it then people decide to start up something that gets you thinking again - urgh pricks! carea and soacial are 'bout normal 'sept I'm fed up at work - but I need money! LOL!

Anyways I'm all done so I'm gonna go bed soon!

Megan Winged at 11.45pm
