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Click on my Clutch logo to view the final results.

Apparently there were no problems with points I sent out last week.  The results are official.  I want to thank everyone for playing, especially Joe Stadstad for doing the web page and Larae Langerud for setting up the spreadsheet for me again.  There ere some delays at the start of the year, some here and there throughout the year.  I am sorry for those delays, but there is quite a bit work that goes into running a league like this.  I hope everybody understands and enjoyed playing in the league.  I would like to get a count on who would be interested for next year.  Congrats to the winners and there is always next year for the ones who weren't so lucky this year.  Let me know how to get the money to you. 
Payoff goes as follows:
 1. $210-Greg Wohl
 2. $199-Loren Langerud
 3. $175-Darren Bucholz
 4. $145-Jeff Lizotte
 5. $115-Jon Bayman
 6. $85-Kathy Langerud
 7. $60-Thomas Sprenger(always in top 10)
 8. $45-Shawn Myogeto
 9. $40-Steve Carlson
10. $35-Clark/Heilman
11. $31-Tim/Vicki Clark




If you have any Fantasy NASCAR questions contact me.

If you have any web problems Joe.


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