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Welcome to my Webpage

My name is Michael Hlavaty. I attend Otis-Bison Middle School in Bison, KS. I am a 8th grader there. In this webpage I will tell you what I do in school and when I'm not in school.

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These are the classes I take at O-B Middle School:
1st Hour-Science
Mrs. Rome
2nd Hour-Math
Mrs. Maier
3rd Hour-English
Ms. Spears
4th Hour-Social Studies
Mr. Richards
5th Hour-Computer
Mrs. Yost
6th Hour-Band
Mr. Martel

My Family:
In my family I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. I am the youngest of all of them. All of them are out of high school and all but one are out of college. So I just live at home with my mom and dad. I am the only child for my dad because all my brothers and sisters have a different dad then me.

My Favorite Sports:
I play sports just about all year long. They are just about my whole life. Without them I don't think my life would be as fun as it is now. The three sports I play are football, basketball, and track. My favorites are football and basketball. I don't really like track all that much but it keeps me in shape. Click here is you want to see my favorite sports teams and which sports I like them in!

I do lots of stuff on my free time it just usually depends on the day. But some things I do just about everyday are I watch tv, I play on the computer, I sometimes play videogames not very often though, and pretty much everyday I help my dad do whatever he needs done. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are my tv watching days. Besides that I'm not in to it all that much. I get on the computer pretty much everyday to check my emails and play games. Just regular stuff like that. I don't play video games much at all anymore. I used to quite a bit but now I don't really do it much anymore. I do all kinds of stuff for/with my dad. I usually help him feed our calves everyday and just other stuff to keep us busy.

My Favorite Foods:
Since I like to eat alot, I have lots of different foods that I like. My first favorites are pizza, any kind expect no veggies, stuff like that. I also like ice cream. Vanilla is my favorite flavor! Probably the best toppings for my ice cream in just by themselves would be caramel and butterscotch. Every now and then a good steak makes me very happy. But you know most people like steaks so I'm not the only one. And my favorite dessert would be dirt cake! Dirt cake would come before ice cream anyday because I love it so much. Since I am a Christian during lent (Ash Wednesday thru Easter) I cannot eat meat on Friday so I love to have some grilled cheese on those days. Anyday is a day for grilled cheese but on Fridays its probably my number 1 choice!

Things I Do In The Summer:
My summers are always pretty busy. Almost everyday I am doing something fun or not fun I do it anyways! One of the things I do is I work for my Uncle Kevin. I started last year helping him and I will be doing it again this year. I do regular things like anybody would that works/helps on a farm. I help him feed his animals, fix his equipment, and I run alot of his tractors and stuff like that. He pays me pretty good and everyday is always fun and an adventure. He lets me leave if I need to and I have a very flexible job. I life weights in the summer too. I do this three days out of the week. One of the things I have been doing for a very long time is play mayb basketball. I have played on a few different teams and it is always fun. This year I will be playing with a team from the city of Hays, Kansas. I don't know I whole lot about this team other then that they have been together for a while and they have had a very successful past.

I hope you have learned alot about me and my life through this webpage. If you have any comments, compliments, suggestions, or you just want to talk with me more email me.