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Mel's Petite Photo Album

Click thumbnail to see full picture!  :)


cats5.JPG (11502 bytes)     cats6.JPG (10601 bytes)     cats8.JPG (10878 bytes)     cats4.JPG (7419 bytes)     cats7.jpg (17008 bytes)     cats1.JPG (14864 bytes)     cats2.JPG (15291 bytes)     cats3.jpg (15027 bytes)

My 6 adorable kitties!!  From left to right:
Cinder, Sneakers, Stormy, Fred, Sneakers, Jerry, and Cleo


photos02.JPG (18662 bytes) Me and my French Horn!  I've been playing for about 8 1/2 years now from when I started in 5th grade.  I don't play as much as I should anymore.  Especially with high school being over.  I do play in the Fresno Pacific Community Band once a week though, so, at least it's something.

Here's some of my favorite pictures I've taken from trips or just of me messing around with the camera...


photos03.jpg (30373 bytes)     photos04.jpg (19080 bytes)     photos05.JPG (53298 bytes)     photos06.JPG (27481 bytes)     photos07.JPG (31240 bytes)     photos08.JPG (48163 bytes)  Here's a few pics from Disneyland and Disney's California Adventures!  And yes... that is me with my boyfriend Aladdin.....  I'm just kidding.  Or am I???  .... Yes.  I am.  Drat.


photos09.JPG (26493 bytes)     photos10.JPG (30743 bytes)  The beautiful lake from our trip to Tahoe last October, and me, my aunt, and my sis "playing" miniature golf in Tahoe.  Good times.


photos11.JPG (35876 bytes)     photos12.JPG (53784 bytes)     photos13.JPG (31715 bytes)     photos14.JPG (35608 bytes)     photos15.JPG (29837 bytes)     photos16.JPG (44379 bytes)     photos17.JPG (41984 bytes)  Here's pics from Six Flags.  A few of those were actually taken ON the ride.  Something I LOVE to do, but don't really recommend.  It's quite dangerous.  You've gotta keep a strong grip on your camera.


photos18.jpg (37548 bytes)     photos19.jpg (33583 bytes)     photos20.jpg (27029 bytes)     photos21.jpg (36361 bytes)  These were just me messing around with the camera.  I call it... Light Art.  Quite fun to do!  Plus, it just looks freakishly awesome!  Try it some time!


Check out some of my interests on the next page...



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