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The Premier Online Place to see Mangos "Doing It"

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Welcome to Crazy/MangoSex, possibly the webs number one place to not read all about wrestling and to not see Mangos making quite literally sweet love. The site do'er guy is Stevie (thats me). Check out the latest news:

Wow, an update... 18/05/2003

For all one, and the Stooch means ONE, of the visitors to the site - we have an update!! Woo! Turns out apparantly a lot of people dig this place...or at least would do if I actually put some stuff up. So I decided I might do that.

In honour of this plan, I intend on writing the first RandomBling column tomorrow night, what a treat! After a near fatal heart accident the other day, in which my heart got stabbed and pretty much broke, I thought I should do something to cheer me up. Then I decided to do this website instead. So all you Mangoholics out there in the real world, take it care, and keep the peace. :o)

Welcome... 27/04/2003

Hey peeps, and welcome to the finally up and running Crazy/MangoSex website. Right now there's not much to see or do, but believe me at some point in the not-so distant future there's gonna be a lotta stuff here for ya to check out. We're talking real cool stuff like...umm...a talking elephant yeah. And talking dogs and the such. And John Fashanu.

So for now just kick back and enjoy the aint pretty, but it'll do bah gawd! Feel free to email me about any comments or whatever ya have doodettes. Oh wait I havn't posted my email addy up yet...hmm...well when I do feel free to mail me!

Guess I should end with some wise words. Well to quote Dominic, "If the dog don't eat it, neither should you". Keep the peace :)

MangoRight 2003 - a Strange Mango Website