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More about me I was born and raised in Medford Oregon with my 2 younger sisters. My mother raised us, and with the help of her mother and siblings we were able to attend a private academy for most of my childhood. Later we moved to Central Oregon and while I find the snow, ice and cold is not my cup of tea, I doubt I could live anywhere else. That reason is named Ron, and he is my husband. Bored? Get a hobbie! I am a laid back person much of the time, and my hobbies show that. I am from a musically inclined family and I am able to play the piano and clarinet but I would much rather listen to music and sing along. I also enjoy movies, reading, slow walks (the slower the better!) road trips and playing WoW with my husband or sister. Fun in the Sun The last vacation I had was when Ron and I decided to live in Disney Land for a week for our honeymoon. We decided that we didnt want to wait for kids to go, and this way we would be able to enjoy it more rather then being pulled all over by our future children. Aside from the mishaps, arriving late at the airport, and the shuttle guy at the end taking us to the WRONG hotel, we were in aww when we got to our suite. Alls I could think was look, theres a bed, Im going to sleep! The next week followed a pattern of explore the parks and eat when you can't walk anymore. The best advice I could give someone would be to spend more then a week if your going to see both parks. Family... My mother and father are divorced and each have married again. I have 2 sisters from Mom and Dad. My dad's wife had children from a preivious marriage so I also have a step brother and 2 step sisters. As I dislike my father's wife and her children I have no contact with them. My middle sister Terrie is 26 and the mother of 2 boys Jesse is 6 and Troy is 2. It is a certainty that while at her home you will witness one killing the other at least 6 times in a 20 minute time period. I have been assured that this is "normal" and to just ignore it. (big laugh) The baby sister will be 24 in a few weeks and she has a daughter named Elizabeth who is now 3. She is the cutest little thing and is at the stage where everything is hers. My life is full with my family and husband in it, and believe me with all the kids and adults running around a little down time to relaxe is a much needed stress reliever. So, I play WoW with my husband or my sister. I get my alone time with the added bonus of hanging out with them online. There are those that deem online game play as a waste of time. I say that time is never wasted when one is interested. It is only when interest fades that time is lost. I also believe that you cant knock something until you try it! To all of you that play online games CONGRATS!! May your brain thrive under the agitation of game play!!
