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Welcome to my Web site!

Hi, my name is Linda Catalan and I was born in Amatitlan Guatemala C.A. in 1986.I am currently enrolled at Skyline Center as a sophomore.

 I am in the fashion cluster and here in my home page you will be learning much more about me. 

Favorite Links


My favorite links are as follow:




bulletCheck your mail with Yahoo
bulletTravel with Expedia
bulletRead the latest news with MSNBC

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(e.g. 95135 or San Francisco or San Francisco, CA)

Enter your zip code or city to find the latest on the Weather.

Edit My Weather
Chicago, IL 54...65 F Haze
London, is 50...62 F Fair
New York, NY 48...67 F Cloudy
San Francisco, CA 46...57 F Smoke
click image for video forecast



Photo Album

Communities & Forums

Look at my new online photo album filled with pictures of me, my family, and my place of birth, Guatemala.

Comments: Please leave any comments or
questions about my web site here. 
bulletMSN People & Chat

Talk to some people on MSN or
go and chat with single people
that want to meet you.


This site was last updated 05/02/03