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<BGSOUND SRC="/crazy/lee-ness/FFVIII_Ami.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

~* Joel & Lee *~

in San Francisco

April 14, 2007

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Uber-Mega High Quality images : Please be patient if they don't load instantly

The 50 minute ride on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit).
From Dublin/Pleasanton to Market Street/SF.

In front of City Hall

We walked our way from the Sony Metreon & Yerba Buena,
past Civic Center & City Hall, and over to JapanTown.

The Peace Pagoda at JapanTown (^_^)

OMG! He has such beautiful eyes!!!
<3 <3 <3

Haha! That pretty much sums us up.
Can't be too serious for too long. XD

He makes me the Happiest!!! <3

*sigh* ......
I Love him... what more can I say...

Inside the JapanTown shopping-mall:

I LOVE this photo of Joel!
He just looks way cool! I'm ridiculously captivated by him in this photo.
*stares*... *drool*.....

Snacking on Chocolate-Almond Pocky,
while waiting to be seated for dinner at Benihana.

i LOVE it when he kisses me!
His kisses always make me smile.

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