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Posted by YKW on 03/05/3 . Dear Former Members: I know you are here because we can see every single person who is visiting this website (This is especially true for the criminals who turn off their cookies each time and virtually live on this website. Hello? You fools are instantly flagged in giant red lettering and your tracks go back more than 9 months showing every page you ever visited here along with all the evil posts you have made here since April, including the truly disgusting ones that we managed to block. Thanks for dumping your cookies each time and making it easy for us to spot you! LOL.) Back to the Grand Opening: I am very busy giving last-minute instructions to the 65 Hosts who will be running the Magic Key Club. If you haven't met them all yet, just click on the Hosts button in the silver menu bar, above. They are all the most amazing people you will ever meet in a Disney community. We're going to open very soon, and I think it is only fair that you see the instructions that I am giving the Hosts so that you will understand what is going on here: What follows is completely unedited, but if you miss it here, you can find it illegally reposted on hate sites around the Internet (where the haters will froth in ecstasy over spelling errors). In that way, you will easily know where the truly evil people hang out online. Remember: What follows is directed at our Hosts in preparation for our grand opening. Enjoy. Part One: The Preamble Dear Hosts: First of all, I want to tell you how magnificent you have all been throughout this long process of rebuilding. We were forced to close and abandon seven years of valuable branding (Readers Clubhouse and Disneynation) to protect our Members from a hate campaign of evil lies about this community that was starting to run amuck in the real world. The criminals who did this to more than 5,000 innocent people and their families are the filthiest humans I have ever encountered in my lifetime. None of us will be safe until they are behind bars, and putting them there will change the entire future of the Internet for you and your families. That's what I'll be working on as soon as we open and you guys take over. And, you know me now: When I set my mind to something, the job gets done, and done right, in a really BIG way. It's a whole new world by the time I'm done. MA is, today, doing exactly what the Readers Clubhouse was doing. The terrorist attacks on our community changed nothing. They were utterly pointless. MA is also completely different, today. It is the first Internet community to consciously define its own destiny, and to do so in a professional manner. The entire online world is watching what happens here. We are packed with observers 24/7. For the past 3 days, the Disney computers have not left our website. During the next year, you are all going to be pretty famous. You already are. You just don't know it yet. Part Two -- the Countdown When the rope drops, hopefully later today, here's what you can expect: * MA will go "black" for 24-hours. When users click on, the page that appears will have a big red countown clock and our particular anthem "We will rock you" will play. * Hosts will still be able to access the website, using bookmarks, but all areas will require a password. When MA reopens, here's what you can expect: * All of the "Join" buttons and Magic Key Kiosks will be active, and will take users to a new area where Membership applications are processed. (more on that later) * Disney Spirits will remain closed to all traffic for one week. * The Breakfast Club, Casino, and Chat Hosts Forum will go private and will never again be accessible to non-Members. * All chat entrances will be sealed to non-Members forever. During the first week, the only things accessible to the general public are: * All Hubs on the Tour Bus line (the black horizontal menu in the masthead). * The Alley Awards * The Fireside Theatre Right now, the jury is still out on the Help Desk. It could remain open during this entire process, putting the Boyz in the Hot Seat. (heh heh) It may forever remain a publicly accessible board, like Disney Spirits. it may go Members-only. That decision will be made in the next few hours. Overall, for one week, all roads will lead to the Membership Desk. Our goal is to bring all former Members inside as quickly and efficiently as possible. We are coming up on one-year since the first criminal attacks on this community. Charges must be filed and arrests made. We've held off (and held back evidence from both the FBI and Secret Service, as well as the US Attorneys) until we could create a completely safe and secure place for the victims of these crimes to gather. This time-crunch forces us to open before every single thing is in place, and we hope everyone will be patient for a week or two while we finish getting the Member Suites set up, post all the past trip reports, and interface all applications with Stage Names. But, for all intents and purposes, we are now good to go. Next: Part Three -- Security We will post more, as it is written. See you guys inside! YKW --> Posted by YKW on 03/05/3 . Dear Members: (If you haven't read my top-level post below this one, entitled "Grand Opening News," you'll want to start there first.) This is the final set of instructions, unedited, that the Hosts have received. I think that now you'll have some idea of what we've been working toward and how difficult it has been to get here. From now on, though, we're going to have lots of fun and great big satisfying events to share! If everything goes as scheduled, your Hosts will be testing the registration process tonight or tomorrow, and if we're glitch-free, we will go black prior to our Grand Opening. Below, I am discussing security issues, which is the single overriding piece of the puzzle that we had to fit firmly in place so that you can discuss your vacation on the only safe and criminal-free Disney website on the Internet -- the Magic Key Club. Enjoy! Part Three -- Security The Readers Clubhouse was a very large community before it was forced to close. It had 10,000 returning Members (who visited at least every few weeks) and 5,000 core Members (who visited daily). In comparison, the Magic Key Club will remain small and Membership will be limited. We want to make certain that every Member gets a lot of attention and help from all of us, not only in planning their Disney vacations, but in learning how to use their Member Suite applications and security features. We have not registered MA with any search engines nor publicized it in any way. The reason we have purposely kept our profile low is so we can bring all our former Members inside with as little "limited-space" competition or Stage-Name fuss as possible. As you know, all Members must go through a special Membership Registration process to enter the Magic Key Club. We will be comparing the identities of known criminals, haters, and collaborators with people attempting to join this community. We will assume that any attempt by haters to gain access to this community is for the sole purpose to commit crimes against our Members. One primary goal of the Magic Key Club is to bring security and safety to the Disney Vacation planning community. In the Magic Key Club, there will be NO registration anonymity. Other disney websites are crawling with haters and criminals because they allow anonymous registration. No other Disney website bothers to screen its users for criminal activity. In fact, as we have all seen, most webmasters bow and scrape before these criminals. Several have shown us threatening letters they received, demanding that they denounce the Readers Clubhouse community publicly, or face the same destruction on their own websites. (A few really rotten webmasters have gleefully spread these lies and endangered you and your family, merely because they thought it might give them a competitive edge with their crummy banner ads and parasitic travel agencies. You know who they are. I sure wouldn't want to be in their shoes over the next few months.) We now know that it is dangerous for anyone to discuss their Disney vacation anywhere on the Internet. And that is a shame. Here's how we are going to accomplish our goals for a secure community that offers safety and protection to its Members: As in all reputable organizations, the administrators will know the identity of all Members and there will be complete accountability for one's words and actions. As in any transaction based on trust, the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all potential Members will be verified before they are allowed to read the words of our registered Members or to interact with them in any way. It may take anywhere from an hour to a day to run a securty check on each member. The law enforcement agency we worked with in MIB during the initial criminal investigation will be standing by during this process and helping us screen for attempts to register by known Internet criminals. All Member information will be strictly private, as it has been for the past seven years. I think you can see why I've been telling you not to worry too much about hater attacks and Membership screening. Your job, as a Host, is to have a wonderful time interacting with fellow Members, being good to one another, and making all the magic you can in the lives of others. Your job is also to have a fabulous time doing it. In a little while, I'll be posting a URL so that you can go through the Member Screening process yourself and see what it is all about. We have endeavored to make it fun and interesting for the applicants, too, and your feedback prior to going live, is very important to us. Well, that's it, for now. See you on the inside! YKW --> Posted by Hoowie on 03/05/3 . In Response to "Grand Opening News" posted by YKW on 03/05/3 2039281 and a little more from my point of view who was targeted in this from the beginning: as Rabbi Chaim of Brisk so appropriately said when describing the story of Haman and Purim when the Amalekites, which Haman was one of, were trying to destroy the jews; he explained that the eternal commandment to wage war against the Amalekites still applies generically when we confront nations (or in this case you know who) intent on annihilating us; there is not virtue in letting evil off the hook; as he declared: 'those who show compassion to the cruel ultimately enable cruelty toward the compassionate' and since we can not have that happening, go and get them girl!!; you know i am 100% behind you; King Uncle Hoowie Breakfast Club Host