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Welcome to the best place of them all....THE HAREM! lol, yes, that's right, I said harem. Here is a list comprised of all the sweet anime bishies under our...ehem...TENDER care. I invite you to relax and enjoy yourself. If you are a male and like the harem, or wish to join, please email me, sending a short list of info *you'll get the gist, as the usual questions are obvious below* Thanky and enjoy yourselves, everyone! If you wish to marry one of these bishies, then go one to the chapel! lol!


    Name: Harry McDougal
  • Age: Unknown*possibly early twenties*
  • Hieght: 6' 2" *at most*
  • weight: who cares!
    Aresynth's Thoughts: Harry McDougal is a lively, sometimes cocky man. One many young girls, i'm sure, have fallen for. With his quick wit and charm, that smooth tongue, he brings the young ladies to their knees. But beware, a viper's temper is hidden beneath for those who deny the "Great Harry McDougal"