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Another Useless Website...
Another Useless Website...
Yup, you read right. This is a completely useless page, just like all the other millions of personal sites on the web. Let me say welcome. Now that you're here, though, let me tell you what I've got in store: first, you could waste some time reading some of my poetry I've written. Or, you might be more interested in view drawings of mine - yet to be surpressed by the fbi, so view them while you can. On the lighter side, you can also check out my friends and family and see the comments I've left them. Within which i have tried to complie enough jokes, animation, activities, fun stuff, etc. of all sorts to entertain myself on even the most boring days. On the other hand, if none of what I have offered appeals to you, then go and get the hell out of here!! Oh, and if you've got something interesting to say or a burning desire to chastise me, please leave the comments in the guestbook. Thanks for stopping by!!
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