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Welcome to the National Ballas Association!!!...Dont forget to sign up at the message board, Next Sim is Tuesday!!Welcome to the National Ballas Association!!!....Justbringit242

Potential Free Agents
Free Agents
Team of the Week:
Player of the Week:

Tim Duncan

GM of the Week:


Message Board

Last season for Jordan???Michael Jordan transcended the narrow boundaries of his sports more so than any other athlete. People who knew nothing about basketball wanted to watch his genius in the NBA. Michael Jordan is the ultimate slam dunk and scoring juggernaut. His athleticism thrilled us. And domination of the game is second to none.Jordan is the ultimate competitor and posesses the heart of a true champion. Remember those facial slam dunks on 7 foot centers, his amazing footwork, balance and poise, and come-from-behind games when all hope seemed lost...
On Wednesday April 16, 2003 the Sixers defeat Michael Jordan's Washington Wizards 107 - 87 at the MCI center in Washington. Jordan's last shot in the NBA was this freethrow.

Which team has the best chance of winning it ALL??

Led by:Kidd

Led by:Duncan

Led by:Dirk

Led by:CWebb

Led by:Wallace

Led by:Jermaine

Led by:TMAC