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-a complete victim of apathy-

Well- here it is. Somehow you've found your way into my heart and brain and everything I have to offer to this world.

This is the journal of a girl- one who has more problems than she needs- sometimes it gets too much for her- and she feels like giving up. She writes in here for her- not for attention, not for sympathy gathering- but because it's her medicine when she doesn't have a bottle or bong. And when it comes down to it- she's just like you. So please- handle with care.

Watchin the days burnin out like a cigarette,
just a few drags to go
You built me up and you broke me down somehow
Everything just seems so clear to me,
nothing left to know

My name is Jennifer, but I prefer Jen. I don't remember the natural color of my hair, but I have hazel eyes and pale skin. Mayhaps I'm a little too ditzy at times. Too clingy. Too jaded. And just MAYBE too trustful of others- that sometimes just ends up hurting me when everything is said and done. I'm a proud Texan, I love pickles and Chicago Pizza from Napa's. I play tennis. I love curling up to chick flicks, I like to pretend I'm deep and artistic, I love my damn bite size carebears, I believe I have a soulmate, and most of all- I believe in fate. I work hard on my depressed/hopeful "poetic go's"- and my friends and family are currently the only cure for keeping me sane. On the other hand, they're usually the ones bringing me down.

So- read on- this is my story..but don't think for one minute you can judge me on my past or hate me for the person I want to be.

Some things ain't meant to be
The best things in life are free
And tomorrow is another day
Funny how the truth sounds so cliche
Keep on, keep on keepin' on
Push it on down the road
Keep on, keep on keepin' on
Still got a ways to go

I don't know who reads this journal- I don't think I would care to, but to my friends: Thank you for the support and words that you've given me over the years. God knows we've been through a lot. I can't help but love each of you unconditionally. Whatever life throws in our way we CAN and WILL overcome it.. I love you.

Well- thats that- Click the bitch below and rock on
