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Daniels' Story Home Page

~Hey all! This site is dedicated to a novel I am working on, the as yet untitled story of the Daniels' Family. I have laid it out as if it is a TV show, so the first "episode" is 1.1 "Graduation" (FYI: 1.1 is season 1 and episode 1). I have notes and ideas to get me through this "season" and two more, having about fifteen episodes in each. Also, I am trying to figure out how to add music that I have selected that fit each episode, if anyone knows send me a message please. The theme song is Garbage's "When I Grow Up" The stories revolve around four sisters, Leila, Leeza, Lor, and Lilly Daniels, as well as Bryan, Leila's son, and Jared and Josh, Lor and Leeza's boyfriends as they travel through the trials and tribulations of everyday life.

If you have any questions or comments, my email is at the bottom of the page...


Episode 1.1 "Graduation"
