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Things to do

Hi, how you doing? Hold up, hold up. Don't tell me. I really don't wanna know. Go see your doctor for that kind of chat. Anyway, who the hell are you and why are you reading this shit? I mean, come on, you must have better things to do. Seriously, haven't you got a mini earwax sculpture of some celeb you've been stalking to finish? What about that project you started? You remember? The one where you coated individual cornflakes with glue, then sprinkled your seven month collection of dandruff on to the cornflakes, to see if you could create a realistic emulation of Frosted flakes that you could trick your buddies in to eating. Well acquiring some or at least one buddy would be a good start. Have you done that yet????? Oh no, silly me, of course you haven't, you're here reading this doo doo. Well I suppose it's now my duty to stop giving you dumb stuff to read and let you get on with your life....well okay, when you start one. So can I say this? Errrrmm, clear off, skidaddle, shoo fly, don't bother me.
Please come back and visit again! ;)

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~~~~~~~~~~MADNESS IS EVERYWHERE!!!~~~~~~~~~~ Well click these if you don't believe me.

Official site for the Nutty Boys MADNESS
Mullet MADNESS-A tribute to the hairstyle/culture
The business/MADNESS pages-An Unofficial MADNESS site
madmartian-Museum Of Modern MADNESS
old skool MADNESS-Dance music from 91 to 93
Marble crazy game (formerly Marble MADNESS)
The MADNESS of King George III
Motorcycle MADNESS (for if you're MAD