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In case you haven't figured it out yet this site will be updated
according to the vigorious "whenever-I-feel-like-it schedule".

If you have a problem with that check back when your ego dies and
you realize you have nothing better to do with your pitifull time.

06/24/06 - Yep the Governments done it again. Done what you may ask? Waste even more of their time debating pointless issues. This time it was the Massacheustests lawmakers, screwing up what you may ask? Debating the value of marshmellow fluff and whether or not it's 'safe' for the kids. Bravo Government Bravo.

Read the whole story: Government vs. the Fluff

06/21/06 - Well it's summer now and that means I'll probably update less often due to all day gaming sessions. If you have a problem with this well then open your dam eyes, the world is full of disapointment.
On the plus side our friend Solomon has gotten the kinks worked out of his site, namely by switching the host. So if you like random, sarcasm, or cynsism check out Solomaon's new site.

05/16/06 - Before I can anyfurther I just want to something clear for all you misguided individuals. Tupac was not a fucking martyr, get that through your heads you ghetto fools!! Now onto your regularly shcedualed ranting.


A cajun man wants a job, but the foreman wont hire him until he passes a little math test.
"Here is your first question," the foreman said. "without using numbers, represent the number 9."
"Without numbers?" the Cajun says, "dat is easy," and proceeds to draw three trees.
"Whats this?" the foreman asks.
"Ave you no brain? Tree and tree and tree make nine," says the Cajun.
"Fair enough," says the foreman, "here's your secound question. Use the same rules, but this time the number is 99."
The Cajun stares into space for awhile, then picks up the picture he just drew and makes a smudge on each tree. "Ere you go."
The foreman scratches his head and says, "How on Earth do you get that to represent 99?"
"Each of the trees is dirty now so thats, dirty tree, and dirty tree, and dirty tree. Dat is 99"
The foreman is getting worried that he's actually going to have to hire the Cajun so he say, "All right, last question. Use the same rules, but this time represent the number 100."
The Cajun stares into space some more before picking up the picture again and makes a little mark by each of the trees. "Ere you go," he says, "100."
The Foreman looks at the attempt and says, "you must be nuts if you think that means 100"!!
The Cajun leans forward and points to the marks at the base of each tree and says,"A little dog come along and left crap at each tree. So now you got dirty tree and turd, dirty tree and turd, and dirty tree and turd, which makes 100. So when I start?"

05/11/06 - While talking to my friends today I learned some spectacular news, the new Super Smash Brothers game was shown for the Wii (in case your really slow, we're major gamers). Not only is this a game that we've been patiently (yeah right, patiently) for but somehow Nintendo managed to get one of Sony's big names into the mix, Solid Snake. Oh yeah. To steal something else from Sony, hellz yeah. Hellz yeah.

See the Trailer for Super Smash Brothers Brawl
05/10/06 - Well it's that time of year again, E3. I had intended to remark on this on G4's site but that would require signing up. However I'm lazy, as you might have noticed by how I often I update. Any way here I go.

Well Sony's line up looks pretty kickass, but then again that was pretty much expected. I know I'm not exactly pleased by the price of the hardware. It was about what I expected though based on what we've heard prior to this. I'm really looking forward to Resistance: Fall of Man.

Mircosoft well they disgsut me. Fuck them. Gears of War looks good put I only admit that grudgingly. Halo has a good story but thats not enough to redeem it from being Bill Gates sole money maker.

Nintendo has slipped over the passed couple years and hope that trend stops I began with Nintendo like most people, I'd hate to see what happen to Sega happen to them. I fear they might be trying to hard with the Wii. Speaking of the Wii I seriously hope they change the name again.

Visit E3's offical website: E3 Insider
Hey all you thanks for those who've been patient as I get this site up and running!
For those of you who have website blocks up that keep you from getting to those fun sites here's some links to them access my site and then go to them!

Contact me at not my real e-mail@nowhere.communism

If you actually try to use that, go to wild and stay there for the rest of your life.
There can't to many better options for someone that stupid.