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Hi there! welcome! Thanks so much for all those of you who have taken the time to check out my page. There's nothing much to see yet, but it will eventually get there. *wink* First off, i'd like to introduce myself a little

Name: Mai Yang (aka Sandie)

Age: 19 ***turning 20 soon! *wink*

Status: Sorry guys, but the status says TAKEN/MARRIED

by who? by the most cutest and handsomest guy, the love of my life, Long Chachi Chang

I love you honey

Location: Wisconsin

Major: Elementary Education

Likes: shopping, eating out w/my hubby, snuggling with my hubby, watching movies, children, volleyball, basketball, tennis, swimming

Dislikes: hmm.. I can't think of anything, there must not be much then

I guess you people are looking forward to seeing a pix huh? well.. here you go, just not A pix of me, BUT SOME pix of me ANDmy husband, cuase he checked out my page and he said "how come i'm not the first one on your list, and i'm the second one on your list." so i guess it's only fair that both of us comes first, that's why his pictures will be in with mine too.*wink* i love you baby. Anything for the love of your life i suppose.

here's a pix of me and my man.

isn't he hot??? i love you so much honey

So, what'd you think?? hehehe...if you guys came from my asianavenue page, well then, you all know how i look like already, but if not, then now you do...**HINT:go check out my asianavenue page... it's

Since you know a little about me and who my man is, i'd like to talk more about him, he's the most important person in my life and the most precious to me.

i want everyone to think and try to answer these questions...

when you're down, who's there to hold your hands and to lend you a shoulder to cry on?

when you're feeling happy, who's there to share your joys and tears of happiness?

when you're tired, who's there to sweep you off the floor and take you to bed?

when you've had a bad hair day, who's there to tell you that you're the most beautiful person?

when you'd just woke up from bed, who's there to kiss you good morning?

when you'd had a hard day at work, who's there to give you a massage and kiss the day away?

When you think that everyone hates you, who's there to prove you wrong?

well, all these questions only lead to one answer for me, and that's my husband... he's been there for me through thick and thin and he's stood by my side when i need him the most and i'm so thankful for him... noone could ever take his place...

a little love quote i'd like to leave you all with...


now moving on, i'd like to talk about my family.. they all played a big part of my life also..



I have my mother's look I was told. Every where my mother and i would go, people would think that my mother was my older sister.



I must admit, we 'do' have the same laugh and not only that, but we laugh at particularly ANYTHING! You don't ever wana see me and my sister together.


doesn't she look chinese?? heheh.


I would have to say our height. Out of us three girls,my sister Xai is the shortest. And another thing that's similiar between us is our stubborness. Yup! I admit, I'm a stubborn child. Hey! what can i say, I'm the oldest and she's the youngest.



Hmm.. let me see.. Tou sue and me? We're both quiet at times and music calms both of us down when we're in cranky moods.


Vang, you can say both of us are outgoing and we'd try anything that we can. We love the attention we get.

here's a picture of my brother Vang Yang


Now Kue's my favorite, I could go on and on about this kid because he's so like me. But i wont, i'll just name one thing about him, we both have fun when we shop. Kue's a person who you can take to the store and can have a great time with. He loves to laugh, smile, and joke around. You can say we're both little dare devils.



Lets say I got my serious side from my father. We disslike talking about what's bothering us and dislike talking about our emotions because we are two people who are not good with it. My father is also a very stubborn person too, I think that's where my sister and i got our stubborness from.


My friends had also impact my life enormously, and now i'd like to take this time to thank them all for it.

This is my girl Susan Lor

Girl, thanks for being such a true friend througout the years. Thanks for supporting me in everything i did and even though we're so far apart, i hope that you don't ever forget about me here. I know that our journey together had finally ended since we parted from high school, but you are always still in my heart and i would never forget about you. I still remember our senior year in high school, do you? those days we cut class just for guys, especially for my guys. And those times that we cut class just so that we can go hang out together and go have a cigeratte or two. man, those were the days, if i could go back, i would change a few stuff, but i would NEVER change you as a friend. Thanks again girl for being such a true friend. always loving you.

My girl Mai Chang

Hey! it's your fault that you didn't give me any pix of yourself.. otherwise your pretty face would be in here too.. hehehe.. so yeah.. there! j/k... but you do still owe me those senior pix.. i hope u didn't forget... hehehe...hey girl, u better remember who this is! what had you been up to huh? man! i miss you like hell! i wish i could have stayed long enough so that we could go party some more.. but hey, i guess i'm glad with what i have...well girl, take it easy and DON'T PARTY TOO HARD!

Here's a picture of my Girl Ann Lee

hey there! how are you? long time no talk.. i hope you're doing fine there in the cities??? girl... why don't you e-mail me no more huh?? it's okay, i forgive you this time... *j/k* i still remember those days when we'll skip school to go out of town. those days huh? aren't they the greatest??? i miss you so much... call me sometimes, i'm always here to lend an ear.

This is my girl Kanyour Chang

hey Grandma! how are you?? hehhee... i hope you still remember who this is???? it's me, your grand-daughter.. hehehe.. how are you girl? i hope you're doing fine? how's school going? well.. i just wana drop in to show the world who my pretty grandma is and show the world how LUCKY i am to have her as a cousin and a tre ue friend..i still remember that one day when me and ka came to your place and all we saw was Romance books laying all over the floor.. it was funny at that time.. well.. just to tell you, the stories in those books are REALLY REALLY different in real life... LOVE is never that romantic... hehehe.. i should know... they over exaggerate too much! DAMMIT! i wish it was that perfect though... okay.. well.. take care girl.. and don't you EVER forget about me.. when you're in town, come and visit me okay?

Here's a picture of my girl Song Yang Her

hey there! i don't know if you'll ever get this little note, but if you do, that's great... well. um, how are you? i know that we never really gotten to know each other for a while but um it was great being in your math class.. remember?? hehe.. those high school days huh?? they're funny aren't they? and it was nice to be standing with you next in line when we graduated from high school too... i'm so glad i've gotten to know you though.. i hope and wish you and Fuzzy the best of luck and god bless both of you two... Have you had a child yet?? send some picutres if you have..

** for anyone who knows what Song's addy is, can you guys give it to me? i wana write her... i wonder how she's doing...**

This is my girl Vonny Yang Cheng

hi there girl! how's life treating you and your family? well.. just wana drop in with this little note to say thank you for being a good friend of mine... i missed you much and hopefully one of these days we'll meet again.. it's been a while since i've seen you on line and hopefully we get to chat some more... you know what girl? i don't know how you can manage so many kids??? i think i would give up by my fourth one.. hehehe.. well.. i will, but i just don't know bout my hubby... anywase.. god bless you and your family and your new baby that's coming to this world..send me pictures okay?

My girl Ka Zoua (KaZ)

well.. how are you girl? how's life in madison? Man girl, you know what?? i don't know how you can manage going to school in Madison, i can't even manage a small town like Eau Claire! sheeeeessshh!! i give you credit... i thought i'd put you up on my page, i hope you don't mind.. it's wonderful getting to know you girl, and it's such a blast having you as friend... write me sometimes okay? i miss wausau, do you???

This is my girl Shoua (Flower)Yang

hi there girl.. i can't believe that you hardly ever keep in touch with me anymore.. just cause i'm married doesn't mean that a cuz can't call or write me you know... feel free to call me girl.. i'm always home and at work... so um, yeah.. WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU???!!! you never write me when i write you and stuff, why's that? oh well..maybe you're too busy.. you know what though, i'm glad you're my cuz. Even though you're too busy for me, i would always make time for you and try to keep in touch as much as possible.. so don't get sick and tired of me yet.. hehehe..

This is my girl Mee Chang

hello.... i know that we had been cuz since both of us were born, but we were never really friends till both of us were like in our teens, but i'm glad that you are my cuz. Remember that time when you took me to church with you? well yeah, if it wasn't for that time, i don't think i would ever be prepared to go to church with my hubby's family... all thanx to you girl, i felt comfortable going to church with my in laws and i would never forget that... thank you so much again for being there for me and for being a true friend.

My Girl Mee Chang Thao

hi there.. how are you? just wana drop in to say hi and also to tell you how glad i am that you're my cuz. I know that our distance is keeping us away from seeing one another and talking to one another, and especially now, when both of us are married and have our own lives, but i want you to know that i'm always here for you... i've heard that you're going through some rough days and i wish that i was there to talk to you and tell you that everything'll be fine, but i'm not girl, and i hope you forgive me... Life has it's ups and down, and i want you to be strong and hold on, you'll get pass this.. just don't give up hope on yourself and your husband. You're always a good friend of mine and one of the bestest cuz. i love you girl.

My Girl Kao Yee Lor

hey kao yee, i need PICTURES..!!! hhehehe.. don't worry, i found one.. hehhe. how are you? girl, it's so nice to hear from you, so keep the notes coming! the way, i'm glad you FINALLY got yourself a car.. hehe.. so what kind is it? what year? now all you gots to do is get your liscense.. you're still not scared of driving are you? *wink*

My Girl Ka Lo

yes girl, i need a new picture of you too...i feel so lost, cause no one ever write me anymore.. especially you girl.. wasup with that??? huh?? too cool for me?? j/k... YES! i'm still obssess with JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE.. but just not THAT much anymore.. YES! i still *sigh* when i see him pop up on t.v. YES! i still *scream* when i see him on t.v. Hey! if guys can go, "DAMN that girl looks hot." i feel that we, as girls, have the right to sigh and scream when we see our superstar on t.v. too.. you know what i mean? *wink* how's school going girl? how's everything? how's school? where are you attending? man, i swear, i'm so lost with everyone cause no one keeps me informed.. well.. always remember that i'm here and don't forget about me.. you are a great friend.

My girl Kea H. Chang

Thank you so much for being a true friend girl.. isn't it weird how we live in the same town and we don't EVER see each other? gosh! it's just so strange.. so how are you? i hope you're doing good? call me up sometimes girl so we can do stuff okay? i don't have your phone, so i can never call you, but when you have the time, call me up okay? I know you're a busy girl, with two kids to watch and all.. but i hope that you don't ever forget about me, cause i feel as though everyone's forgotten about me, since i'm married and all.. well.. just remember i'm here when ever you need me okay? take care girl.

My girl Lee Yang

hey there! i'm so glad to see you that one day! hehehe.. i wish that we'd pass by each other more often at school, but we never do... well.. i guess that's just how college life is huh? you told me to call you up, but i have like no idea how to find your phone on the campus directory, so i'm like,oh well.. maybe she'll just find me.. hehehe.. so yeah.. that's why i haven't called you yet.. girl, we really need to go out and do something together and catch up on old times ya know.. well... just don't be a stranger when you pass me in the hallway at school okay? take care... and hopefully we'll catch each other again outside or in the hallway.. hhhhehehe.. i'm so glad you're one of my friends.

My girl Kallie

Hey there! you know, i can't believe that you're so far away from all of us frans now.. i thought that i was the one who was gona go the farthest, but i guess you went first.. hehehe.. how are you? don't you miss home girl? man, i miss wausau like CRAZY!! i can't stand living here anymore.. but i guess it's okay, cause i'm here with my husband, so that's all that matters.. how are you and your man??? you know what i miss so much about high school? you, me, and susan hanging out and going out to have our daily smoke.. hehehe. yeah.. those days huh? aren't they just all funny when you think about it? the more i think about it, the more i missed everyone back at home... well girl, what ever happens, always know that i'm here for you okay? and if you do have a baby, you better tell me! by the way, you're not pregnant yet are you? hehehe... well.. take care girl.. and call me up sometimes!i'll e-mail ya my phone okay?

My girl Mer Lo

hello! how are you? dang girl, where have ya been? dude,i like don't know where you are at all.... isn't this your last year or something girl? where are you heading to next year? well.. i have a whole load of questions to ask you so write me sometimes girl! the last time i heard from you was that day when i graduated from high school, and man, that was a long time ago girl.. well.. please do keep in touch and e-mail me sometimes too okay girl?

This is my girl Mang Chang

This is my girl Paia Lor

This is Pana Lo

This be Mai Choua Lee

This be Shoua Chang

Who can forget these two punks huh? heheh.. STeph and Flower

This be Plah Her


A REAL FRIEND is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

you guys are ALWAYS a true friend.. 
friends like you guys in this world is so hard to find.. 
i'm glad i have you as a friend.


Me and my girls with their dates at prom...

Check It Out Peoples!!!

Left to right we gots>>>KaZ., Shoua Y., Shoua C., Susan L., Me,
Ka Zoua M.X., Sheng C.

Left to right>>>Sheng/David, Shoua C./Kong, Susan/Tou, Mer/Houa, 
Shoua Y./Kong, John/his date

here's John and his date again, aren't they cute???!! *wink*

Here's my friend Chor and his date @ prom @ West.

Susan and Tou. They are so ADORABLE! heheh...
wasn't it a night to remember guys???? hehehe...

Ann and William @ prom 2000 @ East.  
Aren't they the cutest couple?? hehehe...

and of course, me, who would forget... hehehe.


top row, 1st baby on the right>>>My cuz Mang's baby Zachary. 
2nd/3rd pictures are my cousins Mao C. Yang from N.C. baby, 
bottom picture is my cousin Kea H. Chang's baby
Charlene. hehehe... they are the cutest things. *smile*
This picture is of my little sis.-in-law Angelena Chang

here's one of my hubby holding Angelena.

LOOK AT MISTER SUPERMAN! he's so adorable. this is my little nephew Chueyee Vue.

here's one of my little cousin Cloua Chang. What an angel.

LOok at this adorable thing, who could resist such a girl?? hehehe...

He's gona be a hottie!...

My cuz Chee's baby Muang Linn Saelee. isn't she adorable??