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Friendship lasts forever
Never does it die
True friends stay together
And never say goodbye!

There arent to many people you can trust out there
but I found some:


Cut my life into pieces
This is my last RESORT
Suffication NO Breathing
This is my LAST resort!

My *N* *Y* *C*
makez them otha bitchez bow wit

...The finest chick to eva come out
...You bitchez wanna hate?...
...Knock yourselves out...

DuN wOrRy BoUt Me Or WhA i Do
WhA hApPeNs In My LyF hAs NoThIn Ta Do WiT u
So KeEp Ya MoUtH sHuT n StOp TaLkIn ShiT
cAuSe iM sIcK oF aLL u ScUmBaGs N uR BuLLsHiT

If at first you dont succeed
fuck the world and smoke sum wEeD!

WhY gO 2 hIgH sKoOl
wHeN yOu CaN gO 2 sKoOl HiGh?

JeALoUsY iS iN yA cOnScIeNcE
ThInK yOu CaN bE LyK Me
Ha Ha Ha NoW tHaTs

Honk if you like Britney Spears
Then drive your car into the nearest tree!

My Favorite Web Sites

Spellz and Magic
L'amours Rock Club