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days until the All-Star Game!

Navigation News 2007 Polls
Possible Stadium Sites

Drawings and Pictures for Possible Stadium Plans

My Marlins Baseball Card Collection



Official Florida Marlins Website


Thanks Steve!

Update 1.6 (5/5/07)-- I went to the Padres game last night at Dolphin Stadium to see Maddux vs. Willis. I think they both went six, and the D-Train got a no decision . Nothing was better last night than seeing the Hammer and Borchard go back-to-back, it was awesome! Also Sanchez was sent down to work on his "mechanics", which is good because he has been struggling. About 24,100 people showed up last night which is a good crowd, seats where filled and everyone was into the game. All in All, it was a nice atmosphere for baseball.My Video of the win.


Update 1.5 (4/21/07)-- Today I have added some things to the site I think you'll like. First off, I have added some architectural drawings of some of the stadium plans, and second, I have added some videos of Marlins related stuff. So I hope you enjoy the new additions.

P.S. - Last night against the Nats really sucked!


Update 1.4 (4/19/07)-- Jorge Julio has been moved to the 15-day disabled list as well as rookie De Aza. Tankersley is back and Lee Gardner is back up, both of these moves should help the bullpen. Hopefully the Marlins bullpen can get some good work against the Nats and get back on track as well as the entire team.


Update 1.0 (8/18/06)-- I'm sure you can figure out my opinion on the situation by the info on this site I created, but for those who can't, heres the gist of it. I believe that this team has a loyal fan base here in south Florida (including myself, obviously) that would come to a ball game if it were in a new 30-40 thousand seat, retractable roof, real grass stadium, instead of a seventy five thousand seat football stadium that looks empty even with a MLB average twenty thousand fans in the seats. I went to the opening day game this year against the San Diego Padres, and even though Khalil Greene hit two home runs in the Marlins 9-3 loss, I saw fans ready to support this young ball club and the construction of a new stadium, and if I may modify a quote of the voice from Field of Dreams, "If you build it, they will come."


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Quote of The Month
"Ross... left center... and deep... IT IS... GONE!!! AND TIED!!! HELLO CODY ROSS!!!"

-Tommy Hutton

My Thoughts On the Attendance Poll Choices>>>>>>>

0-5 ) Just don't pick this one. Ok?
5-10 ) At least you're showing up.
10-20 ) This is where I fit in, so it's a good choice.(I wish I could go to more games!)
20-30 ) Nice.
30-40 ) You're a big fan, good for you.
40-50 ) You're probably a season ticket holder.(Which is good!)
50-60 ) You got lots of free time and are using it well.
60-70 ) You are a beast that feeds only on baseball, hot dogs, and stale beer.
All 81 Home Games ) You are a God among men, and my hero.(I bet you have a poster of Peter Gammons on your wall.)

*Not Listed* - Away Games (Pff! Who has the money to go to away games?)