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..:.. To My Favorite ..:..

Years O6-07 Samantha!!

YaY! Another year wit my favorite roommate!! I thought instead of a slide show.. id make you a whole damn page with everything. Hmmmm.. Highlights of this years so far.. so many.

Imma start off with "THE BOOK" -
ooh how much we hate these two words! haha but i had to mention it again our second year here at JWU together. Last year it was a huge thing and now we have everyones respect again! Thank god. I'm so happy everything fell into place again. Things would have been so much shitter if they hadn't.

Now, Lets jump to phony friends v.s real -
Where to start on this topic?! All our lives we were told that in life you are lucky to walk out with a handful of trust-worthy, true friends. Then we hear that at college is where we find most of them. SIKE! If JWU aint exactly like high school, if not 10 times worse! This year your crew the 'Skips' fell apart for sure. Angie left JWU all together [THANK GOD] and Eileen got her new followers. I dont know how, but i guess shit happeneds. There's just tension between everyone and i guess now is when you learn who you will know forever, might stay cool with, or will never speak to again. Lets jus hope you and I both end up with the right people in the end. This year you and me did a pretty good job avoiding drama [besides Eileens shady ass.. but really, is that anything new?] and I hope it stays jus like this.
We had our share of the most random moments and hangouts this year! (there are a few pics on this page focusing on them as well) LoL But i can't complain.. because i kinda LOVED them. haha Glad to know we can have drama free parties, drinking nights, and even conversations while others only talk shit. Its been a pretty random, fun year.
