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The Lunatics Next Door (And Downstairs)


The Backstory
9-24-98 part 1
9-24-98 part 2
9-27-98 part 1
9-27-98 part 2
9-27-98 part 3
9-27-98 part 4
11-19-98 part 1
11-19-98 part 2
02-24-99 part 1
02-24-99 part 2
02-24-99 part 3
02-24-99 part 4
02-24-99 part 5

Lunatics walk among us. I've been fortunate -- or unfortunate, depending on one's point of view -- to have met more than my share of mental basket cases. Some of them have committed to paper the thoughts rattling around in their short-circuiting brains.

The novelist would have a hard time creating such frightening characters. Reality is always more scary than fiction.

Click on the first link for the backstory. Then use the "back" button on your browser to return to the home page and navigate between the JPEG images. And watch for more coming soon!