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Diablo 2 Info

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Physical Absorb

Physical Absorb can only be used by high lvl characters(over 99)and can sometimes be very tricky to get.You get it by putting bocl(based on character level)charms with either absorbs or can put both resistances and absorbs but it is much harder to get right. I am level 3033454 and use a total of about 26 million for absorbs...10 mil cold...10 mil fire...and 6 mil lightning! Now just because you have PA(Physical Absorb) doesn't mean you can be killed because everyone has a certain damage point where they are vulnerable...if they have physical absorb or not they still have a damage point weakness!


Super Run/Walk can't be achieved if you are using positive run/walk(127%). Instead you need to use -20% faster run/walk.Once your run/walk adds up to -180% then you will be super fast...make sure it is not -160% or u will be too fast to control.You can go over -180% if u wanna go a little slower...simply just add another -20%!

Life Leech

Life leech is best leeched with 100% life stolen per hit.....if you have a sword that leaches 779% life per hit than the chances are you're missing out on a lot of leeched life. If you use a barb than make 2 one-handed weapons and set each to 100% life stolen per hit!! Your life leech should go up dramatically and your chances of killing an opponent will increase greatly. And if you are using a pallly,zon...etc then try using 2 42% life leech rings...this should be just as effective!!

Blocking Life Leech

Blocking life leech can be tricky but will greatly help your chances of winning a duel. For a lvl 99 it is much easier as for an elite or supreme. If you are lvl 99 then simply have different amount dr(damage reduce) charms in your inventory.If you notice opponent leeching life then simply take off a dr charm. If he continues leeching life then take 1 more off. Do this until he stops leeching life. If he starts leeching life again then simply add more back on or take some more off. Pretty simple right? For elites it is a little bit harder. You can block life leech simply by having some max dmg and elemental damage(fire,cold,lightning,magic,poison)charms in your inventory. Do the same as you would a lvl 99 with the dr charms. Take off 1 at a time until they stop leeching life. IF they start leeching life again then add more back on or take away some more.(Poison seems to work the best!)

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