AmberMWolfe (1:09:28 AM): =even though he's drunk recently?=
Lady DarkeStar (1:10:09 AM): (his body is definitely using up major resources to recover from all the strain and stress it's been under)
AmberMWolfe (1:10:17 AM): =ok=
AmberMWolfe (1:11:42 AM): =so where's ro at around six-seven?=
Lady DarkeStar (1:11:54 AM): (in the morning?)
AmberMWolfe (1:12:09 AM): =evening=
AmberMWolfe (1:12:19 AM): =nm...=
AmberMWolfe (1:12:22 AM): =hang on, im messed up=
AmberMWolfe (1:12:45 AM): =yeah, morning=
Lady DarkeStar (1:13:12 AM): (he's in the kitchen at the kitchen table sketching)
AmberMWolfe (1:14:45 AM): Jaeric prowls out, naked, turtle hanging forgotten in one hand still. He immediately begins cabinet hunting, a low rumble almost a growl coming from his throat.
AmberMWolfe (1:14:57 AM): =i dont know why i really like that image=
Lady DarkeStar (1:15:28 AM): (it's adorable and kinda sexy at the same time, and I'm not sure how that works)
AmberMWolfe (1:15:46 AM): =hehehehehee, it is=
AmberMWolfe (1:16:11 AM): =it mixes sexy prowling vampire predator with sleepy kid trailing a teddy bear=
Lady DarkeStar (1:16:55 AM): Ro looks up from his sketching.  "There's some roast beef in the cooler." (as I have yet to come up with a word for the kimeran fridge)
AmberMWolfe (1:17:50 AM): =sliced roast beef, or more like a dinner roast beef?
Lady DarkeStar (1:18:02 AM): (sliced)
AmberMWolfe returned at 1:18:09 AM.
AmberMWolfe (1:19:15 AM): Jaeric turns his attention to the cooler and pulls out the beef, coming to settle at the table. He uses his free hand to roll or fold up slices one or two at a time and proceeds to chow down.
AmberMWolfe (1:19:24 AM): =and the rumble becomes a loud purr=
Lady DarkeStar (1:19:40 AM): Ro chuckles.  "Sleep well?"
AmberMWolfe (1:19:57 AM): The purr becomes momentarily louder.
Lady DarkeStar (1:21:06 AM): "That's good."
AmberMWolfe (1:22:45 AM): "Need more food. Then blood," he rumbles as he nears the end of the beef.
Lady DarkeStar (1:24:08 AM): "Not surprised."  Ro gets up, briefly resting a hand on Jaeric's shoulder as he moves toward the cooler.  "I have some steak I can dethaw in just a couple minutes, if you want."
AmberMWolfe (1:25:30 AM): "Thank you." (anything for a moment?)
Lady DarkeStar (1:25:48 AM): (just going back getting them out to dethaw)
AmberMWolfe (1:26:24 AM): "Fuck!"
Lady DarkeStar (1:26:33 AM): "Fuck?"
AmberMWolfe (1:26:55 AM): =any clocks in his room?=
Lady DarkeStar (1:27:14 AM): (no)
AmberMWolfe (1:28:44 AM): "Fuck! It's day. And morning. I can't get Sefith to bring one of the pets over here for blood, and I can't go hunting. I can walk in sun, but I can't hunt. I need my eyes." He pauses. "And I'm an idiot. Disregard my fuck."
AmberMWolfe (1:28:53 AM): =ahh, the humor of the self-centered...=
Lady DarkeStar (1:29:43 AM): "And you're an idiot?" Ro asks with amusement.
AmberMWolfe (1:30:19 AM): "I was just thinking about them bringing my blood to me. But I can go to my blood."
Lady DarkeStar (1:31:22 AM): "Or the offer of blood still stands."
AmberMWolfe (1:31:53 AM): The purr picks back up. "That's true."
Lady DarkeStar (1:33:34 AM): With a chuckle Ro takes one of the steaks from the rewarmer and sets the plate down in front of Jaeric as he puts another plate in to dethaw some more.
AmberMWolfe (1:35:25 AM): Jaeric almost picks up the steak with his hand, then pk's a knife and fork to himself. He goes to pick them up, then seems to notice the turtle in his hand for the first time. "Well then." He sets it on the table facing him. "My steak, you don't get any," he informs him before tucking in.
Lady DarkeStar (1:37:04 AM): Ro snorts in amusement.  "Think you'll still be hungry after the other steak?  If so I'll start warming up a beef stew."
AmberMWolfe (1:37:22 AM): =will he?=
Lady DarkeStar (1:37:29 AM): (Ro is so in his element.  Making sure someone eats properly and is feeling good and has slept well)
AmberMWolfe (1:37:36 AM): =hehehehehehe=
AmberMWolfe (1:37:45 AM): =should get him some pants=
Lady DarkeStar (1:38:19 AM): (well, it's not that cold in the tent, just nice, so since it's not an issue of cover up before you get cold then it doesn't really matter one way or another to Ro)
AmberMWolfe (1:38:31 AM): =hehehe=
Lady DarkeStar (1:38:36 AM): (and he'll probably still want a bit more to eat)
AmberMWolfe (1:40:22 AM): He purrs thoughtfully. "Yeah, heat some up. Even if I'm not still hungry, a bowl won't do any harm. And if you play your cards right, you just might get some," he informs the turtle. "I think he just followed me out in the hopes of getting some of my food."
Lady DarkeStar (1:41:11 AM): "I wouldn't be surprised.  He's been known to be wily before."
AmberMWolfe (1:42:06 AM): "Name?"
AmberMWolfe (1:42:09 AM): =more=
AmberMWolfe (1:42:30 AM): "I feel weird, I've never slept with someone twice and still not known their name."
Lady DarkeStar (1:42:55 AM): "Bailo."
AmberMWolfe (1:43:06 AM): "Odd name."
Lady DarkeStar (1:43:54 AM): "I'm an odd person.  The name is actually Bailo the Third, but I doubt you need the formality with him at this point."
AmberMWolfe (1:44:38 AM): "Indeed. Though it would be respectful to Bailo the First and Second to know of their past existence."
Lady DarkeStar (1:46:28 AM): "True enough."  He sets the second steak down in front of Jaeric and then settles in his chair again.  "Though Bailo the Second ran off with someone younger than myself a couple years ago.  Bailo the First simply was done in by old age."
AmberMWolfe (1:47:05 AM): "Let me guess... Tear and wear, and the second was a gift to one of your kids."
Lady DarkeStar (1:48:36 AM): "Mmhm.  The first I'd had since I was six.  And the second my darling Kaelixa grew rather attached to."
AmberMWolfe (1:50:31 AM): "Despite its oddity, Bailo is a good, solid name. Especially for a turtle. I heartily approve."
Lady DarkeStar (1:52:12 AM): "I'm quite glad you think so.  I have a lynx named Bialo, but he's not with me.  I stuck with sounds I liked when I was young."
AmberMWolfe (1:52:58 AM): He chuckles. "I can see. Bialo I'm less sure about..."
Lady DarkeStar (1:54:57 AM): "Well, I didn't quite say it like that when I was younger.  I hadn't quite gotten rid of the azhnar accent by the time I'd gotten Bialo and named him."
AmberMWolfe (1:55:10 AM): "How was it, then?"
Lady DarkeStar (1:56:36 AM): He clears his throat.  "Bialo."  (imagine it with a ever so slightly harsh sounding B and the rest just an even flow out of the harsh, if that makes sense.  And it's more Bi-low, than Bi-uh-lo)
AmberMWolfe (1:58:17 AM): "Hm. Maybe. This is quality meat."
Lady DarkeStar (1:58:55 AM): "Of course it is.  I bought it."
Lady DarkeStar (1:59:13 AM): (yeah, that's modest and unassuming or something like it, *rolls eyes*)
AmberMWolfe (1:59:46 AM): He snorts. "Not sure why I bothered to comment. Of course you'd be a discerning shopper."
Lady DarkeStar (2:00:40 AM): "Exactly."  He gets up to check on the stew.
AmberMWolfe (2:00:52 AM): "When did you make that?"
Lady DarkeStar (2:01:30 AM): "Last evening."
AmberMWolfe (2:02:05 AM): He clears his throat. "What have the others been thinking?"
AmberMWolfe (2:02:43 AM): =brb=
Lady DarkeStar (2:04:48 AM): "Most of them seem uncertain just how to take this.  But there's nothing really unfavorable being thought, as far as I know."
AmberMWolfe (2:06:05 AM): "Even with my later behavior?"
Lady DarkeStar (2:08:00 AM): "At most I've noticed up some weariness regarding it.  Actually, most everyone is quite glad that you've had a chance to recover."
AmberMWolfe (2:09:14 AM): "How did you.... Spirits hate Telvius because they hate what he is. But I've never heard of ghosts avoiding a half-vampire."
Lady DarkeStar (2:12:34 AM): "You rarely hear anything about half vampires," Ro says a touch dryly as he brings the stew over.  "I have noticed, though, that spirits and ghosts do tend to avoid me.  In my travels I've sensed a few of them, and they waste no time keeping their distance.  Might be the half alive and half not that's unsettling."
AmberMWolfe (2:13:36 AM): "But avoiding you this much? Before I had to stay in the same room as you. Now the second I was inside I was safe."
Lady DarkeStar (2:14:54 AM): "I was very, very, very displeased with them and their behavior the last time you visited, and I made it very known after the fact."  He snorts.  "And I have more than one wooden spoon."
AmberMWolfe (2:16:58 AM): Jaeric fixes a steady look on him. (calm, but says he isnt letting this go until hes satisfied) "They're insubstantial unless they want to do something. How did you hit them?"
Lady DarkeStar (2:18:58 AM): "I sense energies.  I mean, I really sense energies.  All the time, from just about everything.  It's nearly as strong as my sense of smell.  So it's easy to know just where to smack when you can sense just what is solid enough to do so."
AmberMWolfe (2:19:18 AM): "So you just know the magic spot?"
Lady DarkeStar (2:20:09 AM): "More or less, yes.  And I daresay the threat of smacking at their eyes if they started to stare inside my tent was a bit off-putting."
AmberMWolfe (2:21:08 AM): "So you can control these things to a point? Just because you can sense where they're more solid and do something about it?"
Lady DarkeStar (2:22:02 AM): "To a very small point.  I can't make them stop what they're doing.  I have tried.  They feel far too strongly to do so, no matter what I say."
AmberMWolfe (2:22:45 AM): He raises an eyebrow. "And you can communicate with them as well?"
Lady DarkeStar (2:24:24 AM): "You could do if they'd let you.  They can make noise, they can communicate in some fashion."
Lady DarkeStar (2:24:33 AM): could too*
AmberMWolfe (2:25:43 AM): He clears his throat. "Actually, I do recall that, yes. So I'll only be safe with you?"
Lady DarkeStar (2:26:39 AM): Ro shrugs.  "I know they don't want to bother me if they don't have to.  I haven't done anything to them."
AmberMWolfe (2:27:54 AM): "And when I leave this tent?"
Lady DarkeStar (2:29:18 AM): "I think I've managed to convince them to stop the creepy staring, or at least to keep it to a minimum.  It's been getting on my nerves, just not as much since it hasn't been focused on me."
AmberMWolfe (2:29:58 AM): "That's something at least...."
Lady DarkeStar (2:32:07 AM): "But do let me know if something gets to be too much for you.  Please.  I can't do a thing to help if I don't know what's going on."
AmberMWolfe (2:32:44 AM): Jaeric looks down, fingering his silverware. "I will."
Lady DarkeStar (2:33:43 AM): "I'm glad.  Now eat your stew." (the last is said in an over the top parental very much teasing way)
AmberMWolfe (2:34:08 AM): =does he have stew yet?=
Lady DarkeStar (2:34:39 AM): (yup)
Lady DarkeStar (2:34:49 AM): (said it a while back that Ro brought it over)
AmberMWolfe (2:34:58 AM): =ahka=
AmberMWolfe (2:35:14 AM): He smiles and does so.
Lady DarkeStar (2:35:37 AM): "And I'm going to brush your hair," Ro announces, getting up to get a brush to do just that.
AmberMWolfe (2:36:04 AM): "Ooh."
Lady DarkeStar (2:36:45 AM): Ro comes to stand behind Jaeric to begin brushing his hair out. (doesn't really have much to say)
AmberMWolfe (2:37:25 AM): =and he purrs happily=
AmberMWolfe (2:37:26 AM): =hm=
Lady DarkeStar (2:37:28 AM): (though come to think of it having Ro standing that close is probably a touch, hm, not necessarily uncomfortable, but Ro does have that partial mortal smell to a hungry vampire)
AmberMWolfe (2:37:53 AM): =having ones nose buried in stew likely helps a bit=
Lady DarkeStar (2:38:03 AM): (indeed)
AmberMWolfe (2:40:13 AM): =<snicker> at some point jaeric offers a spoonful to bailo, waits for him to eat it, then says, "No? You should eat your vegetables. What sane turtle turns down a bit of carrot?"=
Lady DarkeStar (2:40:41 AM): (and that gets much amusement from Ro)
AmberMWolfe (2:41:08 AM): =i have a feeling jaeric might end up with bailo the third.=
Lady DarkeStar (2:41:16 AM): (as do I)
Lady DarkeStar (2:41:38 AM): (when Jaeric's done with the stew Ro will collect all the dishes and load them into the washer)
AmberMWolfe (2:42:03 AM): =hehehehehehehee, the second ran off with someone younger, the third ran off with an older man, and both went to ro's children=
Lady DarkeStar (2:42:14 AM): (*falls over laughing*)
Lady DarkeStar (2:42:29 AM): (Ro will say something after he's finished loading the dishes, if Jaeric hasn't said soemthing first)
AmberMWolfe (2:42:41 AM): =he speaks during the loading=
AmberMWolfe (2:42:51 AM): "So, how are we revising the contract?"
Lady DarkeStar (2:45:41 AM): Ro chuckles.  "I just want it in plain language that anything learned from my blood memories won't be used against me or those in the group, etcetera.  I have instinctive blocks on certain types of memories, but with the way information tends to get organized and retrieved in my mind sometimes things slip through."
AmberMWolfe (2:46:49 AM): "I'll try my best. It may not necessarily be conscious."
Lady DarkeStar (2:47:10 AM): "Understandable."
AmberMWolfe (2:48:20 AM): "Blood when you're done?"
Lady DarkeStar (2:48:46 AM): "That's fine."
Lady DarkeStar (2:49:07 AM): (and it'll just be a couple seconds before he finishes)
AmberMWolfe (2:51:02 AM): =he'll come to stand behind ro and pull him close with an arm around the waist, and he'll expose the throat. it takes him a moment or two before he bites in, purring before and during, and he'll carefully use the pleasure venom in a non-sexual manner. something he hasnt done in a very long time, if ever...=
AmberMWolfe (2:51:19 AM): =he'll probably drink as much as is safe=
AmberMWolfe returned at 2:52:06 AM.
Lady DarkeStar (2:52:17 AM): (the safe cut off is different for half vampires, so in theory he could take a bit more than he could from a reg. vamp)
AmberMWolfe (2:52:53 AM): =ok=
Lady DarkeStar (2:53:16 AM): (and Ro is perfectly relaxed against Jaeric and gives an enjoying little sigh at the pleasure venom)
Lady DarkeStar (2:54:12 AM): (and that's a rather interesting image for me to picture, what with Jaeric starkers and Ro in lounge pants right by the dishwasher and a turtle on the table)
AmberMWolfe (2:54:22 AM): =hehehe, indeedd=
AmberMWolfe (2:54:38 AM): He pulls back slowly and licks it closed. "I'll have to come see you in five hundred years," he murmurs huskily in his ear.
Lady DarkeStar (2:56:10 AM): (I'm thinking Jaeric likely doesn't know the normal cutoff for a strong healthy half vamp)
AmberMWolfe (2:56:26 AM): =ok=
Lady DarkeStar (2:56:28 AM): "Yes, you will," Ro murmurs back.  "And for future reference, you could have taken almost half a pint more if you wanted.  Being partly mortal has it's advantages."
AmberMWolfe (2:57:47 AM): "I'll have to do that now, then, if you don't mind."
Lady DarkeStar (2:58:13 AM): "Not at all."
AmberMWolfe (2:59:23 AM): =and jaeric will do so, with a little less pleasure venom=
Lady DarkeStar (3:00:07 AM): (very slightest of sighs from Ro in that case)
AmberMWolfe (3:01:42 AM): "I've thought about something." He pulls back and settles at the table again. "You'll be with us for quite a while, and you're in a healthy relationship. At least I'm assuming it's healthy. You're going to get horny while you're here. Any thoughts about what you're going to do about that?"
Lady DarkeStar (3:03:36 AM): "Well, if that isn't blunt," Ro remarks with some amusement, getting a glass of juice.  (he won't speak again until he's sat down with it)
AmberMWolfe (3:04:01 AM): "Do you mind?"
Lady DarkeStar (3:05:10 AM): "Not as much as I would have a week ago."  He sits down.  "And to be quite honest I'm just going to do my best to ignore it."
AmberMWolfe (3:05:40 AM): "No other options really open to you, are there?"
Lady DarkeStar (3:06:11 AM): "None.  At all.  At least, nothing that will actually do anything to help."
AmberMWolfe (3:07:39 AM): Elbows on the table and mouth resting against his clasped hands, he gives Ro a slit-eyed smile. "Pity I can't help you with that. Though I suppose I should refrain from comments like that now? Since it'll be harder on you as well?"
Lady DarkeStar (3:09:30 AM): "Doesn't bother me.  No more so than anything else, so it's not as if it'll add to anything."  He snorts.  "And I'm amused by the fact that you think nothing of drinking from me but think you need to withhold suggestive remarks."
AmberMWolfe (3:11:27 AM): He chuckles. "Quite true. And I'll have you know, getting the venom right was tricky!" he informs Ro, shaking a finger at him. "I'm not sure if I've ever had to make it more friendly than sexual."
Lady DarkeStar (3:14:12 AM): "Well, you did a rather good job of it.  For which I'm thankful.  Hard to say how I would have reacted to it being anything else with that having been the first time I've ever had a vampire drink from me."
AmberMWolfe (3:14:42 AM): "You've never-? Well, I suppose not."
AmberMWolfe (3:15:01 AM): =should go soon=
Lady DarkeStar (3:15:11 AM): "I've given blood to vampires before.  But never have they actually taken it from me."
AmberMWolfe (3:16:38 AM): "I see." (he'll consider ro for a moment)
Lady DarkeStar (3:17:37 AM): Ro gives him a slightly questioning look.
AmberMWolfe (3:18:33 AM): "Since we were already on the subject of sex a little, comfortable going back to our conversation from before yet?"
Lady DarkeStar (3:19:46 AM): Ro considers for a moment, then gives a shrug.  "If it becomes uncomfortable I'll simply stop it."
AmberMWolfe (3:21:28 AM): "Okay. I believe I said that it seems like you're very wary of your own sexuality? Maybe even a little afraid, but I don't think so."
Lady DarkeStar (3:24:03 AM): "Wary, I suppose.  Hesitant."  He shrugs.  "I never really had a good chance to develop it.  I was in the elven lands when my interest finally picked up, and that did me little good."
AmberMWolfe (3:24:41 AM): "I suggest you try to work on that with your lover. If I might ask... which one is usually dominant?"
Lady DarkeStar (3:25:29 AM): "He is."
Lady DarkeStar (3:25:36 AM): (said after a moment)
AmberMWolfe (3:30:42 AM): "Hm. As a ha- sorry, partial vampire, you'd likely have a dominant sexual nature, so you may not want to let it out completely. I have this to say about you sexuality. There's a big difference between acting sexy and outright writhing on the kitchen table. You're probably wary of its strength, especially if it spends most of its time bottled up. I'd suggest trying to learn to let it out bit by bit. Gradations. I don't know how you are in private with your lover, but learn to act sexy there. Maybe even if sex isn't on your mind, though that might be mean to him. You built yourself among elves and gargoyles.... Not much open sexuality, right?"
Lady DarkeStar (3:32:27 AM): "To a certain extent there is with the gargoyles, but it's... odd.  They don't look down on someone acting that way, but it's also obvious that they feel that it shouldn't be so greatly needed."
Lady DarkeStar (3:32:35 AM): (my understanding of it at least)
AmberMWolfe (3:33:23 AM): =it's basically strong self-confidence. they dont feel the need to flaunt, so sexiness is usually in behavior and personality, not in appearance=
AmberMWolfe (3:33:33 AM): =any change or the same?=
Lady DarkeStar (3:35:01 AM): "To a certain extent there is with the gargoyles, but it's... odd.  They don't look down on someone acting that way, but it's obvious that they feel a person shouldn't need to flaunt."
AmberMWolfe (3:36:17 AM): "And you made yourself... Mr. Nice Guy. Someone everyone likes. The wholesome version, yes? Sexiness doesn't have much place in that."
Lady DarkeStar (3:37:09 AM): "Quite wholesome.  Not much place at all."
AmberMWolfe returned at 3:39:05 AM.
AmberMWolfe (3:40:37 AM): "You can still be Mr. Nice Guy, and you can still be mostly wholesome even if you learn to incorporate a little occasional sexiness. It can be tasteful, and it can be moderate. You could probably make that part of who you are with a little work if you want to. Probably not much effort at all for someone like you."
Lady DarkeStar (3:41:58 AM): "There's another thing I tend to have a little problem with, beyond being the nice guy."  He gestures to himself.
AmberMWolfe (3:42:20 AM): He raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Lady DarkeStar (3:42:31 AM): "I look sixteen.  Seventeen on a good day."
AmberMWolfe (3:42:55 AM): "Ahh. Does your lover mind?"
Lady DarkeStar (3:43:08 AM): (?)
AmberMWolfe (3:43:23 AM): =does your lover mind that you look young=
Lady DarkeStar (3:43:32 AM): (I'm asking how Llas feels about it0
AmberMWolfe (3:43:48 AM): =ah. he doesnt care=
AmberMWolfe (3:44:08 AM): =most longer lived races dont look at the face as much. like shurei=
AmberMWolfe (3:44:23 AM): =he didnt care that he looked young=
AmberMWolfe (3:44:36 AM): =actually, to be honest...=
Lady DarkeStar (3:44:53 AM): (I daresay in three hundred years he'd mind a teensy bit)
AmberMWolfe (3:45:13 AM): =llas doesnt really see ro as that young looking. i mean, the face registers, but it doesnt. because the eyes are a stronger presence in his mind=
AmberMWolfe (3:45:22 AM): =so the older eyes kind of override the younger face=
Lady DarkeStar (3:46:03 AM): (still, when Ro looks sixteen maybe seventeen in three hundred years I'm sure that might be a bit strange)
AmberMWolfe (3:46:19 AM): =dont think so, not for llas=
AmberMWolfe (3:46:44 AM): =since he already doesnt see it, and in three hundred years he'll definitely be used to it=
Lady DarkeStar (3:48:16 AM): "No, he doesn't.  Not right now, at least.  He might in the future, say two or three hundred years from now.  I can't say with any certainty, but there's the possiblity.  Especially since I know I won't be aging with near certainty."  He snorts.  "I'll be happy to stay looking sixteen, in fact.  I looked older once, and then I regressed and I've been like this since I was in my mid-twenties."
Lady DarkeStar (3:49:26 AM): (I'm going at four)
AmberMWolfe (3:49:58 AM): "Then you're at least fine being sexy around him. And those you're closer to as friends probably wouldn't mind as much. So maybe you'll be privately sexy until you're more comfortable."
AmberMWolfe (3:50:42 AM): =brb=
Lady DarkeStar (3:51:09 AM): "At this point I don't even know if I could act that way with any ease."
AmberMWolfe (3:53:23 AM): He raises an eyebrow. "That seems surprising. I know certain parts of your personality have to be set in stone. Like your word. But you're only about a century old, right? I'm sure in time you could make it work. You should have all the time in the world."
Lady DarkeStar (3:55:36 AM): "A hundred and thirteen.  And it just seems strange to me."
AmberMWolfe (3:57:20 AM): "Well, maybe talk about it with your lover when you get the chance. Give it a try if you decide you want to. I think it'd be well worth the work, if only for a little."
Lady DarkeStar (4:00:14 AM): "There are- other issues quite attached to my sexuality.  My sexuality is quite certainly purely vampiric.  I know this for a fact because the more mortal I am the less interest I have, to the point of not even wanting to kiss or even hug overly.  But the vampiric nature is hardly monogamous..."
AmberMWolfe (4:02:20 AM): "Well, like I said, there are gradations. If you're careful, you can probably keep it from coming out that much. Though if your lover keeps you satisfied monogamy is easier to swallow. Even I've done it before."
Lady DarkeStar (4:03:02 AM): "I'm finding that hard to believe," Ro remarks with amusement.
AmberMWolfe (4:04:13 AM): "Oh, no, really! I was kept satisfied enough that no one else appealed to me that much. I still suspect she was part succubus...." he mutters half to himself.
Lady DarkeStar (4:04:50 AM): He laughs.  "And how long did that last?"
AmberMWolfe (4:05:40 AM): "It was...." He stops to think. "God... a few years? Geez.... She had to be part succubus."
Lady DarkeStar (4:06:21 AM): "Just a few years?"