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Name: Katrina

Species: Neko Hanyou

Age: Looks to be around 18 but is actually almost 100 years old.

History: At the age of five, Katrina suddenly came into her powers. After being startled by a spider (yes, she is afraid of spiders), she suddenly errupted into flames, causing the castle she lived in with her Neko father and human mother. Her parents had been standing close to her when it happened. Later, she awakens to overhear some servants talking about how she had inherited so young. She, assuming the worst, runs away from her homeland, Neria. For several years she has wandered around, afraid to return for fear of her people hating her for accidently killing her parents. During those years she was hunted by demons and humans alike, at first for her hanyou heritage then, as she grew older, the males of each species took to hunting her because of her beauty. She has managed to fight off all of them, and somehow remains as innocent as she can be, considering her past. She has become very lonely after so long, and yet she is wary about trusting her own self around people.

Katrina also has a human night (as all hanyous do). It is on the night of the full moon. If you would like to see a picture of Katrina in her human form, please look to my AOL profile under pictures.