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Duckie's Home Page (BlondeSpreeChic)

A few of my hobbies..

Some Web Sites I Visit...sometimes

My OLD old OLD homepage
This is JESSICA'S page..... :)
A Christian chat room
My friend's band's page..well one of them anyways

Hey!!! WELL..This is my you now know..I hope you at least SOMEWHAT liked what you saw...if not.well.then to dang bad for you. Straight skippy. Who's skippy?? I dunno..but anyways. I'm alone..and your alone..and..I don't know what its all about.. (I THINK thats from a song..or something..anyways) Jessica!!! OHMYGOSH!! You are like one of the best friends I will EVER have!!! and I just wanted to tell you that I thank God that we're friends. I definately do not know where I would be if it wasn't for you! Love you girl!!! Amanda!! Hey!! Your an awesome person!! I love chilling with you in class and at lunch!! Your a really awesome person Amanda, and if SOME people can't realize that then..well they are just plain el stupido!!!!! :) Alesia!!! Girly, You really need to give me part of your paycheck, you have enough of them!!! hahah jkin, I love you girl and dont' forget that!!!! Leah!! Your a really cool friend Leah. I admire your strength in the Lord that you have, and you do have some, even for such a little thing that you are!! hahahah.. Brian (Barn, Barney..whatever you go by) DUDE!! Your like totally awesome!!!! I just are!!! What else can I say?? I'm really sorry I missed your guys's concert but keep it rockin!!! Jr. (Lowell), Your..well....your just weird dude!! hahaha, but you know we gotta love yah!!! Caleb!!!!! OHMYGOSH!! DUDE!!! You REALLY have got to come home man!! I miss you like so much!!! I luv yah!!!!! Keep it safe over there!!!!! Richard (Yes richard its actually your name on!!)I don't hate you anymore btw, But like if you DARE screw up with are gonna be in SO much crap :) just letting you know that before I tell you that...well..your alright when you aren't being a jerk to me're alright..maybe cool even..ok..I need to shut up about you.. Dean (yes you Pyro!) Your awesome too!! You and your chickens!! Even tho we BOTH know that ducks are better..YES huh!! (Later nights) WEll.OK..I'm tired of typing so..I'm about to end allt his. If Id dint' say hey to you..I'm like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo sorry, but..later!!!! cari
