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¤†¤Kirstie's Homepage¤†¤

Let me tell u all lil about me.

I`m 13 and I live in Md.

I am very out spoken and say what I feel.

Alot ppl can`t handle the truth.

They just gotta learn I am who I am and if ppl don`t like it then thats their problem not mine.

My big sis says im 10 times worse then she is.

Oh YEAH and I*m NOT SiNgLe=)

<3 I Love My Love Dylan Oster..<3

And to all my Friends I just wanna say HELLO

There's a skateboarding video down there.. Your welcome to watch it.. My friends made it for me and well..Check it out.. umm just click the lil play button in the left corner or the one in the center..The video is long but ROCKS!!! Thanks guys for maken it for me=)P>