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Kristian Hoang

Kristian Aramus is the perfect example of a street rat. His mother left his father when he was seven years old, and then died of a drug overdose when he was at the age of ten. Not knowing what else to do when he found her on her bed not breathing, he ran and started living on the streets. He soon found himself joining in premade 'street fights' just to earn a little bit of cash so that he could get things to eat. He quickly became known as the king of the street fights, until the day a man that Kristian refer's to as 'him' appeared and managed to beat him. Since then he has been looking for ways to improve the way he fights. The only diffrence's between Kristian and the above picture is that his hair is black, and he is always seen wearing a form fitting arctic blue long sleeve shirt under the vest. He also has black boots. Does not wear any of the jewelry/chains, or the long black piece that is hanging beside his leg.