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About Me
Photo Gallery


Ok first things first. Everyone I come into contact with always ask me what I like to do where if you really want to know this info keep on reading...


Music- I love to listen to music. I listen to anything from Country to Oldies to a little Rap. If it has a good beat and if I'm in the mood I will crank it up. Below are a few sites that I thought I would add in case anyone is interested in going there.



102.5 The Party


Movies/TV- I love to just sit back and watch movies. I have a big collection of movies ranging from Comedies to action.  I am a big fan of Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Denzel Washington. I prefer a good movie at home over going out. I just recently started getting into TLC's TRADING SPACES. If you have never seen it, the show is about 2 sets of neighbors who trade spaces and  go into each other's house and redo a room in the house. They have 2 designers to help them out, 1 for each house and only 1 carpenter., BUT they only have $1000 bucks to spend on that house. Let me tell you, there are a load of decorating tips you can get off that show.                                


Photography - I am an avid amateur Photographer. I love to go out and just take pictures whenever I can. My collection of cameras include 1 digital camera, 1 APS camera, 2 SLR cameras (I use these the most). I am still trying to get the hang of my Quick cam.     
bulletPopular Photography
bulletB&W Photography

PC Photo                                                                                                          


Sports - I am a big sports fan as well. Most of the sports that I am into include football, softball, NASCAR, Volleyball, and some more...
bulletTennessee Titans



Reading - When time allows I like to sit on the couch and read a good book. Most of the books hat I have are by Mary Higgins Clark who is named the queen of suspense.          


Games - Believe it or not I am into the PS2 games and the sort. Most of the ones I like to play are the role playing games like Silent Hill, Parasite Eve. I have gotten into the Tony Hawk games lately. If its a good game and keeps my interest I will play it.
bulletSony Playstation

This is just a few of my hobbies...

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This site was last updated 04/23/03

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