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Jena and I Chilaxin in her basement =D

[P][A][G][E] [I][N][F][O]
Updated: o4.o8.o3
Time: 2:03 A.M.
Song: Yes yes It'S TECHNO =P
guess wha song. I bet u dunno =D
keke guess who picked da song o_0
Dedication: Umm......u? lol
--->Page made by Mizz Tam<---

--->All Eyes On Me<---
.::NAME::. Kristen
.::Age::. 17 yea yea
.::Lacation::. Ohio (419)
.::Driven::. 91' Pontiac Grand Am
.::Status::. flyin solo. hehe HOLLA! =P
.::Occupation::. Kickin it at Rite Aid

Bumpin: evenescence-bring me back to life
Thinkin: how stupid am i?
Wantin: a new car cause mines a pile hehe


*~*~SHOUT OUTZ~*~*
Jenny~ thanx for helpin me figure this dumb thing
out! hope we can chill this summer
Jessie~what am i gonna do about this guy thing?
with me!wink wink you know who...
Jenan~i need to get some pics with you so i can
put it in here so everyone can see are pretty
faces together!!summers here and we still cant do
Daniie~gotta holla at you or you'll be
yellin...just kiddin!! its borign this
summer...theres nothing to do.
Chris~i had to put my baby in here you like the
pics???why are you never on here to talk to me?
Maria~havent talk to you in a awhile..must
be nice to be 18 huh?? i dont know if im
going yet...ha ha ha
