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April 2nd - 6th

Although it doesn't look like drastic changes were made, the foundation forms were put in, an old shed came down, cement was poured and by the end of the week, you can ALMOST see where the garage is supposed to go!

April 9th - 13th

More cement work - some nice dirt for backfill.


Cement guys earn their money! That's alot of cement! Or is it concrete?

April 16th - 21th

The dumpster was delivered! That's a good sign. They started tearing off the roof. Oscar had to make a hole in the front of the house so they can deliver the steel I beam to the basement. They knocked down almost all the lights in the house (oops - they fixed most of them. There's another job for Oscar) They even put him to work drilling a hole in the beam for the post. By the end of the week, we had floor joists!

April 23rd - 28th

Delay in updating, sorry! They said once they got started, it would go fast and it has! They put the floor on, tore down a house down the block from me and started putting up the walls. By that time, the skies opened up and it started to rain! GO FIGURE! The last picture is just 4 of the 15 - 20 buckets we used to collect water. Yes there was some damage and about 4 sleepless nights but it could have been worse!

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