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Pattianne Paradise Folders
     awards   Diplomas and Gifts
     canada   Countdown to Canada Day
     intro   About Pattianne. Links to Friends' websites. Banners Buttons.
     jukebox   Country Western Classics MIDI Jukebox.
     kitchen   Quick Easy Recipes Christmas Desserts Low-Calorie
     memorial   In Loving Memory of 9/11.
     muffin  Dedicated Especially to my Youngest Granddaughter
     paradise   Personal Family Website.
     poems   Inspirational Messages and Images
     xmas   Countdown to Christmas Music and Animations

The above links are to the 'index.html' files of folders at Pattianne's Paradise. This HTML page is the Index for the root directory shown at the top. This page is also used as a redirection page from previous locations at Geocities and AngelFire (LYCOS).

To visit or bookmark a site at Pattianne's Paradise just type in your address bar or shortcut a folder name above to the right of the last forward slash in the root address.

To view a complete list of all files in all folders CLICK HERE.

Pattianne's Paradise is assembled using Windows 98 and Internet Explorer 6 on a SOYO AMD K6 (455 MHz/16 MB RAM) Computer. Published from Coquitlam BC CA through Look Communications and Yahoo Geocities.

All web pages in these folders are coded in HTML 4.0 Transitional. Supporting coding and files include: Dynamic HTML, Javascript, Java Applets, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Macromedia Flash, and Standard MIDI (GM).

Pattianne's Paradise appears in the webpage indexes of AltaVista, MSN, Google, Open Directory, Netscape and Yahoo.

This Index page was created 19 Sept. 2002. and was Last Updated 21 Sept. 2002

Email Pattianne at